END RACE BASED LAW Radio-2 The Petition Explained By Gerry Gagnon with Michele Tittler 2015

4 months ago



WE, the undersigned citizens of Canada, draw the attention of the Government of Canada to the following:

THAT whereas the Indian Act and Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, (1867) have divided Canadians by race and heritage; have perpetuated the unequal treatment of Canadian Indians, providing the legal framework for segregation via the reserve system; have prevented reserve Indians from equal provincial educational access; have prevented reserve Indians from having the full legal, economic and property rights and opportunities of other Canadian citizens;

AND whereas the inclusion of Sections 35 and 25 in the Constitution Act (1982) have divided Canadians by race and heritage; have disrupted legal commercial and exploration activities; have introduced legal uncertainty into property ownership; have left some Canadians without proper police protection, as in Caledonia, Ont.; and have left most Canadians with diminished rights with every expansion of 'indigenous rights' based on Section 35;

AND whereas the inclusion of "with particular attention to the circumstances of aboriginal offenders" in Section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) has resulted in a two- tiered system of justice, wherein Canadians receive different legal outcomes, depending on their race/ethnic heritage;

AND whereas the United Nations "Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples" contains provisions that are fundamentally incompatible with Canada's constitutional framework;

THEREFORE, your Petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to take the following actions:

THE passage of the repeal of the Indian Act;

THE passage of the removal of "with particular attention to the circumstances of aboriginal
offenders" in Section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46);

THE removal of Canada's signature from the United Nations "Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples";

THE calling of a Constitutional conference, pursuant to Section 35.1 of the Constitution Amendment Proclamation (1983), leading to the repeal of Sections 35 and 25 of the Constitution Act (1982), and Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act (1867);

THE active encouragement of the provincial legislatures to do the same, or via provincial referenda; and the calling of a federal/provincial Constitutional conference to finalize these changes desired by the people of Canada, including setting a date for the final termination of Treaty and land claims submissions.

Petition to END RACE BASED LAW Signed by the citizens of Canada
Name & Address (city, province, postal code)






Please note this part is for information purposes only and does not form any part of the Official Petition.


*Note that the pages must be free of erasures and contain only original signatures and addresses written directly onto the front AND also the back of the petition page.

The request contained in the Petition to END RACE BASED LAW has been reviewed by Richard Bernier, Procedural Clerk and Clerk of Petitions, House of Commons, and found to meet the official requirements.

Names will not be used in any way other than for the purposes of this Petition conforming to the requirements of the Canadian Government, it is to be presented to the House of Commons.

Contact: endracebasedlawpetition@gmail.com


The online Petition to END RACE BASED LAW is not legal, as the printed and signed version is, but it's worth signing anyway.


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