AI Debunks Astrology Debunkers - ChatGPT Says on Aquarian Rising

3 months ago

**Original ChatGPT4 Prompt:**
"Write an argument refuting the most common arguments against astrology."

**Additional Notes:**
On the first point, astrology doesn't NOT (double-negative) conform to the rigorous standards of science either. Fact is, it's never been taken seriously enough for almost any credentialed scientist to be bothered investigating, with a few exceptions I'll do a video on later. The great irony is that presumably objective scientists will gleefully cast aspersions on astrology while never having spent the time to read even one reputable educational book on the subject. It's a shameless act of deliberate ignorance that they only engage in because there is so much stigma on the subject that perhaps twice the number of grown adults who believe in spirits and ghosts believe astrology is dangerous hokum. Anywho, it isn't an interpretive art, but that's a subject for the next video so stay tuned.

For the second refutation, the egocentrism of astrological practice isn't a matter of symbolism but rather of functionality. This is another item the next video should be covering but in short, heliocentrism would functionally break astrology. You don't use astrology to explain the makeup of the solar system, you use it for predictive purposes. We don't live on the sun, we live on Earth, so trying to relate our terrestrial coordinates at our births to the sun's geography, if you could even call it geography given the obvious absence of the geo, would not only be needlessly complicated math but also wouldn't make sense in terms of the goal to be achieved. It would be like changing the filter on your vacuum but throwing the vacuum out instead of the filter.

For point three, I just found it funny that in the same paragraph, ChatGPT explained that astrologers use specific rules to interpret a chart and then also that the interpretation is subjective. LOL! Look, large language models aren't perfect. It's effectively just cobbling responses together from things it read online, and the fact is that a lot of western astrologers really have no business claiming the title.

Moving on to number four, it's a sad truth that any group tends to be likened to its loudest, most obnoxious members, even if the rest of said group would prefer the obnoxious ones be counted among them. It is a matter of historical and modern fact that there are people who claim to be able to perform a technical skill others don't have the time to learn, and sometimes these individuals will use their clients' ignorance to earn easy money. The field of astrology has suffered no fewer of these charlatans than any other specialist subject, and has probably had many more charlatans claiming to bring truth when all they bring is five minutes worth of video they watched while squeezing out a deuce in a gas stop restroom. Where there is an unregulated subject that demands training or education, there will always be those who take advantage and those who are willing to be taken advantage of. The more popular a subject, the more "experts" come around looking to make money off it, even when they know nothing. And astrology is massively popular; has been for decades now. My point is this: Just because a practice draws in charlatans does not mean all the subject's practitioners are charlatans.

Number five, ChatGPT4 was trained on existing literature, so I'm not surprised that it claims astrology shows how the stars and/or planets control or even influence human behavior, even though it clearly does not. I've got another video coming out that goes into all this, so I'll spare you the lecture, but astrology is essentially a mathematical predictive model like what Wall Street uses to predict stock trends, only wayyyy more complex. The idea is that the observed patterns are purely synchronistic. They aren't influencing anything, they were simply observed to predict certain events or states of being.

On number five, again, astrology is NOT subjective.

And that's it for this video, I think. Thanks so much for watching! :D

~~Atheist Astrologer

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