The AFD --- Good News for Living People

7 months ago

From around the world the word has spread and is ping-ponging back and
forth, simply because the message is so incredible, so anti-intuitive.
Yes, for every one (1) objectively worthless FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE
you put in the Global Family Bank Safety Vault, you will receive one (1)
American Federation Dollar (AFD).
Each American Federation Dollar (AFD) begins trading at one (1) AFD per
one hundred-eighty FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, which will update to the
current rate of (1) AFD per two hundred thirty-four FEDERAL RESERVE
NOTES and continue to fluctuate according to daily exchange rate
This is where the "Uh, duh...." comes in.
Wait a minute, you are telling me that I can give you a one dollar FEDERAL
RESERVE NOTE, which is objectively and legally worthless, and in
exchange, you will give me an AFD which is gold-backed and worth (at the
current exchange rate) a whopping $234?
To understand this, you have to go back to 1934 when Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, the President of the US, Inc., removed the gold standard entirely
and via the Emergency Banking Act established a "dollar for dollar"
exchange rate on our silver money. At that time, the FRN was defined as
being equal in value (as an I.O.U.) to the United States Silver Dollar.
As a result of this inequitable and coerced trade that was enforced under
color of law, you, Joe American, lost the seigniorage owed on your currency,
lost the investment value of both your gold and silver, and, the "legal tender"
you were forced to use as a substitute underwent round after round of
inflationary devaluation and taxation, until the actual trade value of the
FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE is less than half of one cent.
It literally costs several times more to print each such FEDERAL RESERVE
NOTE than its worth.
Good old Joe American has been taking it in the shorts the entire time, ever
since the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
It's been lose, lose, lose, lose. Until now, when that loss has to be made up to
That's why you get an AFD defined as one-tenth ounce of pure gold for every
worthless FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE you turn in. The difference in value
is just part of what you are owed, a means to start evening up the situation
and transition you over to an asset-backed currency.
This is only for living people who reclaim their birthright and return to the
land and soil of their home country--- not corporations, not foreign Persons.
We hope this makes it clear what the 1:1 exchange rate is about and why you
are getting such a deal.
See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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