Comment 131 and 132: The BIG LIE Is The Political Left & The September 24, 2017 Prophecy

28 days ago

Comment Number 131 is on THE SGT REPORT and Comment Number 132 is "The September 24th, 2017 Prophecy" that is on Facebook. The BIG LIE is the political LEFT. The Democrats and the Political Left always have been and always will be A BIG LIE. The Democrats gave America the Klan, the Fugitive Slave Laws, Jim Crow, the Federal Reserve Bank, Predatory Capitalism and a host of other ills. In addition, the Political Left dominates YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MSNBC, PBS, CNN and thousands of other media outlets nationwide. Even Colleges and Universities are predominantly Left, Progressive and Liberal, not conservative. Because of the Destructive Nature of Democrats and the Political Left, the Universe itself is moving to end their power and influence wherever they might. Unlike past eras, where low vibration Mentalities reappear as Workers of Iniquity, these Destructive Mentalities that Afflict the Political Left, Liberals, Marxists, Democrats, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, their Enablers, Supporters and Voters will never return in any future generation forever.

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