Ashley Benefield - Mother, Sister, Daughter, and Friend

7 months ago

We Stand With Ashley (WSWA) is a Community Defense Committee dedicated to fighting for justice and spreading the TRUTH about Ashley Benefield.

Ashley is a mother, sister, daughter, friend and a beloved member of our community.

She is a survivor of domestic violence and now a victim of abuse at the hands of the criminal justice system. Ashley has wrongfully been denied immunity from prosecution, after she was left with no choice but to defend her life from her estranged husband and abuser.

Stand with us as we join together to fight for justice for Ashley. For more information, visit (link in bio)

#WeStandWithAshley #StopTheLies #BeliveHer #WSWA #CriminalizedSurvivor #DomesticViolence #StandUpForWhatsRight #BlackSwanTrial

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