The Symbolism of Personality and the Mask

8 months ago

Each of us is given a task in the Great Work of evolution, when we are conceived. What we do in life to fulfil those tasks is then called our ‘Destiny’. To fulfil our Destiny we get attributes suited to the job we have been given – the challenge.

The sum total of all these characteristics, for example, patience, good humour, compassion, tolerance or courage is called our Personality. And symbolically the Mask is the symbol for the Personality.

Armande Rassenfosse – Le Masque and La Marchande de Masques
Rosemary Rock-Evans – masks

Photos taken at Venice’s Carnival in February were found on Pinit and had no attribution
Other photos – David Rock-Evans of owner supplied masks

Michel Edelenbosch - contact also

More details of the symbolism of Personality and Mask and examples of the symbolic use
can be found by following these links

Sailing Stones by the Gilmore trail [see next page]

Sailing Stones by Gilmore Trail

We are Gilmore Trail, an instrumental post-rock band based in Sheffield in the UK.
We have Danny and Dave on guitars, Joe on bass and Bob on drums.
We supplement our core band sound with synth, soundscapes and field recordings, taking our cues from aspects of progressive rock.
Our music is purely instrumental, inspired by the vastness and majesty of the natural world.
We feel that the music takes us and the listener on various journeys, from rolling green hills to icy wastes, from the most arid deserts shooting up into the astonishing emptiness and stillness of deep space.
Our website can be found at
We can be contacted at

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