1 in 9 AstraZeneca trial participants had Adverse Event of Special Interest – Dr. Ahmad Malik

28 days ago

AstraZeneca requested its Covid Vaccine be removed?
We have been told because it is no longer commercially viable.
A new study has emerged: “Phase III Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of AZD1222 for the Prevention of COVID-19 in Adults”
If you read their “RESULTS” & “CONCLUSIONS” one would think, wow, that vaccine is safe & effective.
It just says that and does not go into any details. Whenever you see a short and simple results and conclusion section that seems too good to be true – it IS!
With such great “results” and “conclusions” why would AstraZeneca ask that their safe and effective product to be withdrawn?
Because it is a LIE.
They wanted something to go away. They wanted it just to disappear. They wanted no one to ask any questions and if they did they would say “well, we are working on new things and that is just no longer viable.”
That is jargon for Big Pharma when they are covering something very important up.
That’s what they are doing.
Of the 21,000 people who had the shot, 36% had an Adverse Reaction.
11% had SEVERE Side Effects like Death, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Cardiomyopathy, Multiple Sclerosis, Thrombocytopenia, Blood Clots, Pulmonary Embolism, and more.
It’s funny that both Pfizer and Modern did NOT do a Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial and those vaccines are still on the market and being pushed hard, still.
Pfizer’s placebo trial was abruptly ended as they gave all of the jab, so we will never know the truth. It’s one big coverup over and over again and it is time the people learn how these Big Pharma’s operate. It is time to learn their bullsh*t science they throw out.
The one that did do a Placebo-Control – told some truths, I’m sure they are still hiding a LOT, see Source #4 below as tell tale.
Brianne Dressen was a volunteer in the AstraZeneca Clinical Covid Trial and after just one shot she has to take over $100,000 worth of medication for the rest of her life.
You can see that video below in the sources.
Covid was not deadly in her age group. In fact, even the elderly had OVER 95% recovery from Covid with NO treatment required. Yet, they are pushing these vaccines to EVERYONE.
The corrupt CDC is recommending the mRNA Covid shots to children. This is ludicrous and frankly just unbelievable as children are of no risk of covid just as the rest of their Bullsh*t jabs on their childhood recommended list.
It’s a crime that doctors are not standing up but they love those checks, it makes it much easier to ignore the truth and to listen to the 3 letter agency “science.”

1. Frankploegman -- https://rumble.com/v4wifbq-1-in-9-astrazeneca-trial-participants-had-adverse-event-of-special-interest.html

2. Phase III Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of AZD1222 for the Prevention of COVID-19 in Adults -- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34587382/

3. Phase III Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of AZD1222 for the Prevention of COVID-19 in Adults -- https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04516746?tab=results

4. ***Brianne Dressen – Severely Injured in AstraZeneca Vaccine Trials Speaks Out & tells her Horror Story



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Thank You!!

END. 6/1/2024 – 3:00 PM

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