22 days ago

Mike Bain from Christian Voice New Zealand discusses the prevalent speculation among Christian leaders about the imminent rapture and the end of the world. Notable figures such as Greg Laurie, Paul Washer, Mark Hitchcock, Jonathan Cahn, Tucker Carlson, and David Jeremiah have predicted that these events will occur soon. Bain expresses skepticism and amusement at these predictions, referencing past false prophecies, including those from Nostradamus. He critiques society's tendency to seek saviors amidst perceived crises, suggesting that the current climate feels dystopian and that no government has a solution beyond warfare.
Bain argues that these prophecies often mislead the vulnerable and cause disillusionment. He emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical prophecy through scripture, specifically mentioning the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation. He cites Matthew 24:4, warning against deception.
While acknowledging the possibility of the rapture, he stresses the need for patience and vigilance, asserting that more events must unfold before it can occur. Bain cautions against false prophets and the resultant spiritual cooling, urging believers to continue spreading the message of Jesus' return. He expresses hope that the predictions by prominent Christian figures will align with God's plan but advises critical engagement with their claims.

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