Dismantling the Sexual Orientation Paradigm

7 months ago

One of the pillars of the Sexual Revolution is the sexual orientation paradigm. I present six reasons why this social construct is inherently flawed and why we should stop using the concept to understand our sexual attractions. Instead, we must refer back to our normative bodily design for our sexual identity, and then foster curiosity about the meaning of our sexual arousal templates and patterns that deviate from our design.

#sexualorientation #samesexattraction #SSA #sexualfluidity #SAFETherapy #SOCE

References (Note: clips from other videos are used for commentary and fall under Fair Use):
Lisa Diamond's TEDx Talk on the "born this way" argument: https://youtu.be/RjX-KBPmgg4?si=lUUl48cR3qRpJBgE
Robin Dembroff's Queer Theory definition of sexual orientation: https://youtu.be/-pNmvthQLds?si=oqs6tB-y0SR573e-
Janet Shibley Hyde & John D. DeLameter. (2018). Understanding Human Sexuality, 11th ed.
APA. (2008). Answers to Your Questions: For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality. https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbtq/orientation.pdf#:~:text=Sexual%20orientation%20refers%20to%20an%20enduring%20pattern%20of,a%20community%20of%20others%20who%20share%20those%20attractions
Linda Garnets & Douglas Kimmel. (2002). Psychological Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences, 2nd ed. Columbia University Press.
APA Style Guide. (2022). Sexual Orientation. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language/sexual-orientation
Wesley Hill. 2015. Spiritual Friendship: Finding Love in the Church as a Celibate Gay Christian. Brazos.
Gabriela Pichardo. (July 2, 2023). What Is Abrosexual? Web MD. https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-abrosexual

For more on topics in this video:
My interview with Kevin Thompson on Beyond the Fundamentals: https://www.youtube.com/live/YZ8Xq2IZKic?si=U_vgNgvTK2qJ2jEM
Is Autogynephilia (Transvestism) a Sexual Orientation? https://youtu.be/7jaLmgZoSTQ
Can You Have Same-Sex Attraction and Homosexuality OCD? https://youtu.be/ZWqgapIDsNU
My commentary on the Gregory Coles vs James White debate on "Gay Christian" identity: https://youtu.be/4UN_nNj3mu8
The Sexual Revolution & Gay Agenda playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAyCJnSE2gfpT9rLSNN1mO3rNRUV_p0JU
The Gay Agenda Is Real: https://youtu.be/RFcla9tW49Q
The Gay Agenda Is Coming for Your Children: https://youtu.be/3p0A6fWs5qs
Why and How LGBTQ Activism Uses Children: https://youtu.be/H2UArbtXztM
What Is Love? playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAyCJnSE2gfo6642-4Mx3g1_QQmQgLrxa
A Psychotherapist's Appeal to LGBTQ-Affirming Christians: https://youtu.be/aPiXJvGvyiU
True Compassion to LGBT: https://youtu.be/AxEBCBcPQNo
Gender & Sexuality through a Theology of the Body Lens: https://youtu.be/kVXaIxRYSiU
Lust, P*rn, & Fap through a TOB Lens: https://youtu.be/uRmrEzNIdec
Progressive & LGBTQ+ Theology through a TOB Lens: https://youtu.be/Z7hyNp6Da4w
God's Marital Passion: https://youtu.be/wDdBl4DgipM

2:30 Origins of the sexual orientation paradigm.
4:12 Problems with the concept.
5:17 The definition problem.
8:08 Mark Yarhouse’s use of orientation.
9:35 Attraction vs arousal.
10:19 How do you determine orientation?
12:18 The Queer Theory problem.
15:29 The destruction of normative standards.
18:36 Lisa Diamond and the “born gay” mantra.
24:01 APA’s queer theory-revised definition.
25:10 Calling out Greg Coles and Wesley Hill.
28:47 Robin Dembroff’s queer theorist definition.
34:24 Explosion of LGBTQ+.
36:22 Where next? Age orientation.
37:16 Interspecies orientation.
38:46 Transhuman orientation.
40:22 The child development problem.
43:11 The OCD and trauma problem.
44:55 The healing and growth problem.
47:22 Abrosexual irony.
49:05 A word of caution to the ex-LGBT.
52:45 The Theology of the Body problem.
56:45 Why a descriptive use of orientation won’t work.
57:38 The body reveals the person.
58:14 Moral corollaries of the integrative view.
1:00:44 Sexual arousal templates.
1:02:22 Our bodies point to union with God.
1:03:42 Conclusion.

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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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