5.23.24 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w/ Shawn Taylor, Returning To Law Enforcement, Child Trafficking
Shawn Taylor retired from law enforcement only to be pulled back in to battle the child sex trafficking epidemic. The new battle he faces is character assassination by those apparently protecting the sex rings.
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I'm local to Shawn Taylor's area. The local media is doing it's best to attempt to discredit him. To Shawn, the more they try to stop us the louder we will get. You are on the right side. I am praying for you and all the truth tellers. God Wins.
Shawn is an amazing person that is standing up for all citizens that are not ok with this! 🙏
I live in East Tennessee and am shocked at what I'm hearing from Shawn Taylor. I was not aware of the child sex trafficking in Tennessee, particularly near Nashville. May Abba Father bless him in his efforts to rid this country of these demonic offenses.
It’s bad all over just hidden from most citizens. If you have children please protect them at all costs and move if possible. Its really dark and disturbing what is happening there!
I agree the lying scumbag media must be held accountable... they are a disgrace.
SCOTT ET AL: I have spent over 45 years of my life studying scripture, biblical research etc. Anyone who destroys children is quite obviously influenced by demons. (Evil wicked spirits that are members of the devil's brood who rebelled against God - 1/3 of the angels.) HERE IS SOME INSIGHT INTO HOW THE DEVIL OPERATES: Sometimes they whisper in your ears with a temptation, using your weaknesses against you. Other times is a possession. They enter the mind of the individual and operate within him to do things which are against his nature that God designed (i.e. rape, murder.) But BE VERY CLEAR... God gave each person FREEDOM OF WILL, which means this: Even devils cannot possess or control us unless we ALLOW THEM INTO OUR HEARTS AND LIVES. So these people cannot say they cannot control themselves! TRUTH: THEY DON'T WANT TO. And EMOTIONS, especially sexual emotions is the devil's greatest weapon he uses against us! (This is why it's so important for us to always read the Bible, which is GOD'S THOUGHTS, and what God wants us to think. ) As far as God's perspective: In Old Testament times if a man commits adultery he was STONED to death. How much more does this apply for destroying an innocent child!? Jesus also said when he spoke of God's children and the world -- he took a child and said that it would be better for a man to have a millstone tied around his neck and be tossed into the deepest sea than to harm 1 hair on the head of God's children! Scott --- you are DEAD ON... These people destroy the heart and life of these poor kids and they deserve the Electric Chair or hanging. If anyone really wants to help these pedos from being pedos, we need public hangings of these people and even televise them. Perhaps by putting fear into their hearts, it may be enough to keep many of them from succumbing to the temptation to ACT! GOD BLESS SHAWN AND YOU FOR EXPOSING THESE SINS AGAINST CHILDREN!! KEEP GOING!!! WWG1WA!!! GOD'S LOVE!
You're not Scott --- you are an asshole camel pussy licking pedo-boy trying to screw everyone!!! BTW your mama gives good head while your daddy watches and beats his willy!!!
Scott, as usual, Thank you for all you do and to Shawn Taylor, Thank you for what you are doing as well. May God give you and your team the strength and wisdom to continue and win these fights and eradicate this evil from our world. Doc, Hendersonville, NC. WWG1WGA
Oh!!! Shawn Taylor!!! I haven't seen him in a while!! I've enjoyed seeing him with Alpha Luna on Jaco's show in the past. Thanks for having him on your show, Scott!! He needs to tell the world what he is dealing with in Tennessee. Hopefully, other Truthers will give him air time as well!
I bought at Goodwill many many years ago a souvenir from Hot Springs Arkansas. It was a little bathtub with lion clause feet.
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The intro of this video should be apply to the system today no more waiting
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My heart breaks for these children. I just want to give them a hug from a loving Grandmother. Thank for exposing these scum bag money grubbing evil people in power allowing this. I agree with Scott on Death Penalty. Leave the kids alone.
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Thanks for the review! Hope you have been getting the information about the GESARA NESARA and how to switch to the Qfs banking before the global currency reset takes place? Don't be a victim of that great reset. Get ready for Gesara Nesara, Swtch, into the QFS for your own safety. Reach out DAVEXRPLION for proper guidelines and information via Telegram: ✉️https://t.me/dave_xrplion_01 Thanks WWG1WGA
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If there are 70 arrests, release the names??
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💯 not the issue! I’m a commissioner in Millersville. This is not political, we’re asking for the truth from the other elected officials and the inserted pile they’ve been able to put in because they have the majority. They’ve brought in employees without background checks until after they’ve been hired, Shawn Taylor being one of them. He was fired from our city years ago, and after research he’s been fired from many other departments. The attorney for the city, Kroll, represents him and the chief of police in lawsuit in another city, and he’s representing the city of Millersville mayor in an ouster suit using tax payor dollars. Kroll can’t represent the city and be the ethics officer when he’s representing all sides except what’s in the best interest of the city. Shawn Taylor failed to mention the arrest that he’s “helped” in for what he called, “Operation Clean Sweep”, wasn’t about child trafficking, it was a personal vendetta for the mayor. Shawn Taylor also failed to mention the arrest was done WITHOUT a signed warrant. This was over a building permit. Not sex trafficking. The people that Taylor and the ones he came in with are refusing to be transparent with the city on what the city attorney is being paid. They can’t answer budget questions and they’ve put people in positions that don’t have experience. This is not about child trafficking as he’s spinning the narrative to fit his agenda. I’d say 💯 the other commissioner and I that are being kept in the dark support the fight against innocent children. We’re against sex trafficking and human trafficking of any kind. This is not what we’re dealing with in Millersville. Go back and watch the meetings from January 23, 2024 when this “circus” started. It’s pretty obvious. There’s one point the city attorney, Shawn’s Taylors personal attorney as well, was on video at meeting saying background checks take too long and so that’s why they wait!!! Really??? It’s unreal….
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CristinaTemplet I am pleased to inform you that I have compiled a comprehensive list of validated information about NESARA/GESARA and the XRP buyback. I intended to expose the corruption present within the realms of XRP, banking, and corporations and how the divine plan, which was created before the inception of time, would revolutionize and rectify these issues before the announcement of the Global Quantum Financial System (QFS). This system will operate on the XRP (XRPL) Quantum Internet through Starlink, and only individuals who have been specially chosen will be allowed to access it. Should you desire to gain more knowledge about the Humanity Template, XRPL, QFS, XRP buyback, and other lucrative investment opportunities, then I implore you to reach out to me via email at patroitstreetsfighter@proton.me or connect with me on Telegram at (https://t.me/patroitstreetfighter) I will provide a guide to attain your QFS account, which will offer you increased security measures in light of the upcoming global reset.
The city attorney said this about background checks at another recorded meeting. Also, all the news releases they’ve put out on behalf of millersville have NO PROOF. Tina Tobin the former interim was a joke, had no experience as a city manager…has screwed up our finances at the city, couldn’t explain anything because she didn’t understand. She could never produce the “proof” she had as she accused people and fired people from the city of things they didn’t do. Not once, and she fired people to bring in the people we have now. It’s nothing about sex trafficking. If we can fight sex trafficking great, love it. This is not what this was about…
Isn't Bob Joyce Elvis ???? He certainly sounds like Elvis and his mannerisms are the same. I am from Northern Canada so I will not be there is see for myself. Moira
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Thanks for the review! Hope you have been getting the information about the GESARA NESARA and how to switch to the Qfs banking before the global currency reset takes place? Don't be a victim of that great reset. Get ready for Gesara Nesara, Swtch, into the QFS for your own safety. Reach out DAVEXRPLION for proper guidelines and information via Telegram: https://t.me/dave_xrplion_01 Thanks WWG1WGA
I agree Scott. these disgusting monsters know exactly what they are doing, and they continue to choose to do it. those that choose to hold their palm out or help to keep the corruption going, deserve to be put to death right after they watch the child rapists they covered for, gets out to death. WE ARE DONE WITH THEIR BULLSHIT AND THEY SHOULD BE SCARED!!!
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Thanks for the review! Hope you have been getting the information about the GESARA NESARA and how to switch to the Qfs banking before the global currency reset takes place? Don't be a victim of that great reset. Get ready for Gesara Nesara, Swtch, into the QFS for your own safety. Reach out DAVEXRPLION for proper guidelines and information via Telegram: https://t.me/dave_xrplion_01 Thanks WWG1WGA 📨
Wishing Someone would help me to stop my neighbor that is putting toxic crap in my apartment 24/7. That has been going on for over 2 long years! Before that, home invasions galore, tampering with my food and liquids causing loose stools and rectal bleeding, destroying property, $4500 damages to my car! Cops refuse to help me at all. I swept up this shit that is all over everything making everything dirty...destroying my furniture and bedding, rugs, clothing....I gave it to the cops and refused to test it. Stinks in here all the time. I've lost a ton of hair, prolapsed cervix and rectum, gut issues causing weight gain, never sleep because of the fumes. I even moved from the city I lived in where all this was happening, I lived there for 54 years! Knew it would happen here also and it is. Property Mgrs. and Maintenance highly involved in sex trafficking in apartment complexes, like where I lived. I found out 5 years ago they were doing this to me....apartment was bugged, came in with keys, knocked me out, sold me. They destroyed my brand new $1000 mattress the first month I had it from so much rape...I didn't know why for 3 more years. Found out from a former cop/homicide that went to my Church. He is as bad as they get. I had no idea what he was. Bottom line, I NEED HELP! No one will help me. I wrote Shawn a year or two ago, but never heard anything from him. Cops where I live now won't do anything either. I finally told them that if any of them are covering this evil up, they will end up in Hell and their precious badges won't get them out. It's a one way trip. They trafficked me, lied about me for 5 decades!!!! Threw me in a psych ward for six damn weeks!!! The cover up is everywhere from the top on down in most cities. Got a real eye opener while in that place. I can't handle this much longer. I AM BEING TORTURED! For the love of God somebody with balls reach out and help me. They took my entire adult life from me!
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The media is paid off by the top officials and now we know it’s a statewide issue there. Yes it is everywhere but this is a huge hub that is making them rich and they don’t want to lose everything. They all need to go to hell! Yeah protecting kids is so crazy ( says sarcastically) Don’t worry the light always wins!
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Scott McKay This is Lisa Campbell here in Tennessee that you met my friends and I in Brentwood Tennessee we all live within 30 minutes from where Shawn works.We will be going to Shake his hand!!They even showed you on channel 5news with you and Alpha speaking to Shawn in the podcast from a year ago.They are truly going after his job!! I sure wish you would come to Millersville and bring Alpha,Nino,Jacoand let's give them a real news story that us Patriot Street Fighter's don't agree with child see trafficking. My friend is in remission now from her cancer and I would Love for you to give her that ride on your bike!Thank you Scott we Love you and we need you to bring the thunder down here in Millersville Tennessee!
We appreciate your hard work Shawn and know you're are doing gods work! Tennessee is full of corruption and happy someone finally is doing something about it!
So good to hear there is a DA standing up and helping.
We need to purchase a remote island with no power or anything for that matter. Send all the pedos there and let them attack each other!
I can’t understand how America became so evil! Kids are not for sale!
I live near Nashville and I've been to Vegas and I have never seen the mount hotels in Nashville that you do in vegas.
I know several self proclaimed "pastors." Ashkenazi simple means were the ancestors are from... crazy story but my Ashkenazi gf found out that some of her family were victims of the Salem Witch Trials.
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