Migrant Tells Fox Reporter How Easy It Is to Cross the Southern Border: ‘No Security Check, No Background Check’

3 months ago

About 100 again, primarily Chinese and young men from Turkey. We talked to one touringish man, essentially sold everything he had to be able to come here to the United States and cross the border. He told us he was shocked how easy it was, how there was no resistance when he crossed over. He said that Americans should be worried that it was so easy. They should also worry about the kind of people crossing the border. Take a listen.
>> 0,000.
>> 0,000? In fact American people completely true. Who are coming into this country. They don’t, I’m good but how if they not good? If they are killers. Like, no security. No security check. No back drowned check.
>> Background check. Worried about who is crossing the border?

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