Hermit's Inner Wisdom on Politics Energy Vlog

3 months ago

Hermit's Inner Wisdom on Politics Energy Vlog title is form the date May 23, 2024 thus 36 which adds to # 9 The hermit card thus, a retreat up the mountain of enlightenment to go within for inner wisdom. Something we should do before we elect a politician to represent us. This was one of Errant 23 questions on my last video. He was distressed that none of the candidate give him a good feeling to which I can agree after feeling into each of the political prties there in the United Kingdom. Of the Three major parties only The REF seemed to have any concern about what people say to them.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us an amplitude power of 52 at 7:00 AM UTC thus there are two chariots are they moving together or apart? The Quality power of 18 thus we have the Moon card of l illusion and intuition starts out in scorpio and end in Sagittarius full moon Eartly in the day here in the USA. the frequency average is 7.69 hertz thus we have 22 The Fool card taking a leap of faith which may be ill advised. It is also hte beginning of the Hero's Journey listen to the dog.

Thus, t we can say about it all is: The Hermits inner wisdom is swifty ly brought forward nuder the Sagittarius Full Moon to the site of the Fool's fall.

meg Moonbeam Daily astro woo talks of the benefit of this Sagittarius moon. And the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Gemini therefore a big increase in love vibration.

The cards for The REF party were the four of pentacles in the past the Four of wands as the querent with the ace of pentacles opposite it ande and the Emperor in the as it appears. in the advise row we have the Ten of sword surrender the page of w swords someone new and the Empress the divine female or bounty of the Earth mother. We selected one card from the Elemental Oracle deck. it was the electricity card key word wildness tap into your power power word from the ancient greek word energia it is what drive the universe in its circuits.
Meg MoonBeam video today:
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure new site:
Space Weather News site:
UK Political parties site:

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