Dissolving The Divisions Among Women with Anjali Romaniuk #23

8 months ago

Great discussion addressing an issue not always considered along our divisive dynamics in society, communities & within family & friendships.. Anjali was perfect to join us for this topic as she comes with her profound personal & professional experience & expertise in healing & uniting the divine feminine on individual & interpersonal levels. She is not your typical yoga instructor, as she has much more to offer as a way-show-er, mentor, and female-to-female practitioner.
Unfortunately we only had an hour to dive into this topic, but we did what we could to scratch well beneath the surface and emerge with solutions. There was so much more we all wanted to speak upon, but we're quite happy about what was talked about. We hope to have her, or another guest on to continue this subject matter, and of course on the flip, have someone on to get into the male counterpart conundrums- especially with archetypes, anima/animus, alpha, beta, etc..
Leslie has her own plethora of experiences & expertise as well regarding the difficulties women face, including participating in some sisterhood groups. She's spoken about these things in a few interviews/podcasts this year alone: a wonderful conversation with Marja West and a great 3-part livestream chat on Logan Hart's Wizard Factory show that also included former guests Stephanie MoDavis & Will Keller.
Derek is familiar with sisterhoods and has admired them for their results expressed to him by a few friends. We know this isn't the only way to create a sacred space for a female(s) to go through a healing/empowering/spiritual/transformative experience. Sometimes these processes can take years to recalibrate one's mind, body, spirit... There are rarely any one-offs with any alchemical endeavors. Both men & women have their own issues & traumas to work through, and the more we acknowledge and come to terms with it all, the more easier we can all make it for ourselves & others
You can find Anjali's works & contact here::


Her next woman's retreat in Bali: 

Her book: 

Leslie @ Alivethrive.life
Derek, aka AwakenYaMind @ 

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