A Special Message for all the YouTube Gibbles who claim to Trust the Science ™

1 month ago

Since I resurrected Cinephobia Radio in the latter part of 2023, I've been uploading little excerpts of the shows to my YouTube channel. And in that time, I've had three videos removed, received two warnings, a strike and a one-week ban. As it stands currently, I am but a Squeaky Gibble's tear away from being completely deplatformed and it appears as though the majority of my videos will not appear in the YouTube search results.

And what was my crime, you ask? Well, nothing more than discussing peer-reviewed, published scientific literature in major medical journals, the conclusions of which just happen to contradict the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry, a malignant entity that has clearly penetrated and captured the collective hive-mind of the YouTube Thought Police.

But it's not just on YouTube of course. The same applies to the Fuckerbots on Chonebook and as for Elon Musk's "Pro-Freedom of Speech" hostile takeover and rebranding of Twitter, I am 100% ghost-banned on the platform, even more than I am on Chonebook, although at least the Fuckerbots tell me they're suppressing me. I much prefer their honesty to Elon Musk gaslighting me with his freedom of speech (just not freedom of reach).

So typically what happens when content gets banned on any of these platforms, you find yourself dealing with a robot and although you're always given a chance to appeal, there's no constructive discourse. You're not allowed to argue your case. We're simply supposed to accept the judgements regardless of how callous and unjust the reasons may be. For instance, on all three occasions, I got banned on YouTube for supposedly spreading covid vaccine misinformation despite that in all three instances, I never once mentioned the covid vaccines.

Now you may be tempted to perceive all of this stuff as wonky quirks and peculiarities exclusive to a handful of websites, and for those whose minds have been hideously distorted by deranged libertarian talking points, you may even defend the right of these platforms to behave like complete wankers because they're private entities and can do whatever they want.

But can they? These are American companies and they're willfully suppressing and censoring freedom of speech. Isn't that a violation of the first amendment?

Now I realize that both Gibbles and Nipples alike only care about this amendment when it applies to causes they believe in; however, freedom of speech is only meaningful when one attempts to challenge the prevailing orthodoxies. The right to mindlessly parrot authoritarian talking points hardly requires the strength of a constitution to uphold.

But beyond these theoretical musings, the reality is that these methods of unaccountable authoritarian information suppression is how public discourse is being engineered within the Dizzy Digimos. One of the great promises of the internet was that it could provide a range of opinions that were previously unthinkable within the former matrix of the completely corporate controlled mainstream media multiverse. And I'm old enough to remember exactly what that was like.

But the problem with a free and open internet is that information can circulate that runs counter to the interests of the Corporate Superstate, so it should hardly come as a surprise that this very same malignant entity would seek to censor and suppress our ability to share said information, even when the sources themselves are indisputable, for instance, 'peer-reviewed scientific studies published in major medical journals.'

What's more surprising, or rather, more disappointing, is how easily the humans have adapted to and accepted these authoritarian controls. Yeah, sure they may grumble about it here and there, but ultimately, they tow the line, being carefully to delicately tip-toe around sensitive issues in order the avoid the unforgiving wrath of the social media thought police.

But what is being engineered here is an erosion of previously self-evident rights and freedoms that will extend beyond the social media realm, which already comprises the primary vehicle for how we acquire and distribute information. We're being conditioned to accept and adapt to an intensifying, unaccountable technocracy and the very sort of dystopian futureworld that many of the brightest minds from earlier generations tried to warn us against. Of course, from the perspective of the mindless Gibbles devoid of critical thinking skills and the Conformity Culture Vultures who see it as their moral and civic duty to shame, smear and ridicule anyone for questioning these authoritarian measures, naturally, they will perceive me to be some sort of completely unhinged and mentally deranged conspiracy theorist and that's perfectly okay. I accept their condemnation.

And while it would be nice to have a vibrant and active YouTube channel to help promote my radio show, I refuse to bend the knee to such an obscene level of authoritarian suppression, one that violates every standard of thought I hold near and dear—archaic principles such as a fundamental respect for facts, evidence, objective information, and competent levels of reasoning, logic, deduction and the integrity of the human mind itself.

So in light of all this, I put together a special little message for the squeaky and sneaky pro-war, pro-censorship, pro-pharma Gibbles over there at YouTube who delusionally perceive themselves to be a force greater than the scientific process itself. And if it proves to be the last thing I'm destined to upload to the Cinephobia Radio YouTube Channel, then so be it. I'll take my righteous and educated, dissident views elsewhere.

As I've always said, "Better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven."

This excerpt was taken from Cinephobia Radio #033


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Revox Tape Deck Video by Matthias Wunderlich
Adhesive Tape by Vecteezy.com

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