Your Rahab is waiting

28 days ago

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Your Rahab is waiting

Prophetic word
Joy Jacqueline Sternkopf

The place I’m going to bring you into, is the land of milk and Honey.
Yes You have seen the giants in this land, how they mock and spit at the name of the lord; the giants have gathered themselves together; they have joined and have become one.
Watch and see what I will do in your land, yes the land you are contending for, the country you stand in the gap for, watch how I’m going before you.
You see the giants in the land will be hit by the terror like they did in Jericho,
they were trembling by hearing the very reports of my Israel, whom I brought out of Egypt.
When you look at the Land, the country which is in front of you, do you look at the gathering of the giants that is occupying the land which belongs to you, or do you trust in Me say the Lord of Host.
I am mighty in battle, I’m mighty to save and deliver My people so they can overtake and overcome.
This is My strategy,
when you are Free in my Son Yeshuah ha messiah, you are able to overcome, you are no longer slaves of Egypt, you are no longer slaves of Today Pharaohs, you are free and free indeed.
The people of Jericho trembled when they heard about the Israeli spies coming to take the land.
A I am not the same yesterday today and forever.
My children watch me take you into the land, and plot the land which the enemy has stolen from you.
Don’t listen to the naysayers, because indeed the naysayers would never inherit my Kingdom, because their hearts were full of unbelief.
It’s time to take the land
It’s time to plot, like my spies who ran into the wall of Jericho, and aligned themselves with me and my plan and my instructions.
Be watchful for the hour may come where you find yourself a Rahab,
Whom I have sent, the heart of Rahab says
Your people is my people
Your God is my God
If only you will spare my life and my family when you overtake;
This means that you will find people who can discern and acknowledge the mantle and authority you carry from Yeshua the Messiah , knowing that I alone will lead you to such people.
These alignments require complete trust in Me, from both camps, it won’t be usual, but it is part of my redemption plan says the Lord.
Your Rahab is waiting for you at the wall, and she will know that deliverance and the kingdom of God Has come to Her doorstep when you enter.
These alignments are Kingdom strategy for My people to enter into the promised land and overcome.
Know that I have conquered the Devil and His minions, including the gathering of the Giants.
Know this
The reason they gather is because they are afraid of Me, and when They see you and know that you have decided to come for the kill
And they see that you know who you are in Christ they are reminded of that very thing My son Did on the cross and the resurrection life; they are constantly reminded of this terror and judgment which they are under, when you have decided you come to the promised land to overtake.
You are delivered
You are restored
You are healed in advance
So you overtake and you overcome
That’s my Bride
Says the Lord

Psalm. 24
Joshua chapter 2
Psalm 2
Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭27‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭28‬:‭7‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
Amos‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬ ‭AMPC‬‬
Prophetic word, Rahab, Promised land, strategy, deliverance, Giants,

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