28 days ago

Step into the bustling village of Bethany, where whispers of miracles and divine presence fill the air like a heady fragrance. Here, in the quiet before the Passover storm, Yahshua arrives at the home of Lazarus, a man once entombed but now reclining at the table, a living testament to the power that courses through Yahshua's touch.
As Martha bustles about, serving a humble supper, Miriam, with reverence and devotion, anoints Yahshua's feet with costly ointment, a gesture pregnant with meaning and mystery. But amid this sacred moment, the shadow of betrayal looms, as Yadah Iscariot, harboring ulterior motives, questions the extravagance.

Yet Yahshua's response transcends the material concerns of this world, speaking to a deeper truth woven into the fabric of existence. As tensions rise and whispers of Yahshua's miracles spread, the hearts of both believers and skeptics alike are stirred.
The scene shifts, as Yahshua, riding on a young donkey, fulfills ancient prophecies and enters Jerusalem to the adulation of the crowds. But beneath the surface jubilation, the Pharisees plot in the shadows, seeking to extinguish the light that threatens their authority.

Amidst it all, Yahshua speaks words of profound wisdom and divine purpose, challenging hearts and minds to embrace the light and truth he embodies. Yet, even as his words resonate, disbelief and division persist, revealing the timeless struggle between faith and doubt.
Join us on a journey through these sacred moments, where the echoes of prophecy, the fragrance of devotion, and the clash of earthly power and divine truth converge. As Yahshua's hour approaches, the stakes grow higher, and the timeless question reverberates: Who will believe, and who will reject?

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