Let's start the day off with a healthy tip. Have you heard of corn silk tea? 🤔🤔🤔

3 months ago

Don’t throw away those corn silks!!! 🌽 Turn them into tea instead! Corn silks are wonderful for all things bladder and urinary system related. They have a diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body with a cooling energy that can balance excess heat. I love that it is a useful plant ally to people of all ages and stages of life!
One ear of corn will give you enough silks for 2-3 cups of tea and if you are dealing with an acute issue such as a urinary tract infection or kidney stones it’s recommended to drink one cup 3x a day. Corn silk can be dried to keep for future use or made into a tincture.
It has a very mild sweet flavor and like pine needles tea a squeeze of an orange slice or some honey can help elevate the taste.
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How to treat cucumbers:
For rust, spotting and powdery mildew, mix:
- one tablespoon of baking soda
- One teaspoon of mild dishwashing detergent.
- one tablespoon of vegetable oil
- one tablet of dissolved aspirin
- 4.5 liters of water
Mix and spray this composition once every 1-2 weeks.
A similar composition was used by my grandmother, only instead of detergent always took laundry soap. Detergent is necessary for the solution to remain on the leaves as long as possible, a aspirin did its job. That is, it cured it.
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