RHEMA Bible Training College's 50th Graduation

1 month ago

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin received the mandate from God to, "Go teach My people faith."

Under the direction of Pastor Kenneth W. Hagin and his wife, Lynette Tipton Hagin, Rhema Bible Training College became the catalyst for this purpose, and remains steadfast in carrying out God's purpose of empowering Christians to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. For 50 years now, (est. 1974), we have trained over 117,000 laborers for the harvest. The sun never sets on Rhema graduates ministering around the world, either in the pulpit, on the mission field, or as active believers supporting God's work in local churches. Our alumni have gone forth and together we have established 298 Bible schools in 56 nations around the world. And this is in great part because of your faithfulness in supporting RBTC through Rhema! Thank you so much!

Do you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? If not, today is the day to make the best decision you will EVER make. He loves you so much! To begin this awesome relationship with Him now please go to:
https://rhema.org/salvation OR
Call us at 918-258-1588 ext. 5566 between the hours of 8:30am & 4:30pm.
He will change your life for good! God bless you.

Would you like to partner with us to bring hope, help and healing to the world? Please visit Rhema.org/WPC

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Rhema USA Channel on ROKU: https://www.channelstore.roku.com/browse
Rhema USA on Youtube: https://youtube.com/rhemausa
Rhema Videos on Vimeo: https://www.vimeo.com/rhema

The Rhema App: https://www.subsplash.com/rhema/app

https://www.RBTC.org (Rhema Bible Training College)

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