Around 2017 - Terrance Scroggins - Death Threat - That's the man I want to KILL

6 months ago

Something like 46 more aggressive provokings from Terrance Scroggins and the Jew Hate Community in the last 40 days for no actual reason. Other then SETUP or FRAME operations to EXECUTE jews or people they PROFILE with their HATE and FEAR.

LAPD trying to COVER THIS UP, by saying I'm supposedly crazy, a Public Nuisance, or a Criminal. Doing whatever it takes to ERADICATE a 5 year old Jew and Terrance Scroggins has been a ring leader since I moved in 26 years ago in these STALKING operations out of their HATE.

Since moving in 26 years ago, these mass groups have been STALKING ME, with LAPD trying to make me look CRAZY or like a CRIMINAL linking to my SICK, PSYCHOTIC Ch!ld R@ping murdering father with his PSYCHOLOGICAL TERROR tactics to KILL his 5 year old with a Planet of SICKOS helping for reasons I am not told.

Other then at the age 29, Met with Mike Huntley and LAPDS's Death Threats finding out my own father was and still is Paying Off LAPD to have me KILLED building a 47 year Ch!ld R@pist and HATE army.

Veteren Check, Army Brat Terrance Scroggins seems to be one of the many Ring Leaders of a STALKING group since I moved in.

Playing victim with his LAPD JEW KILL buddies, Making up lie after lie riling the masses against me in their DAILY ATTACKS to have me killed which in 2001 I found out was WORLDWIDE.

With around 1 BILLION attacks per day to kill me, and Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS

"World of Paranoia", Dropping Papers on my desk how to make people mentally ill and kill them. "You had better live a CAREFUL Life", "We are using the SYSTEM against you", The LAPD and Police System with the Psychology Community behind it and my family. "Have a good life now", "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "It's your BEHAVIOR" and many other statements with LAPD and my FAMILY in their HATE and RAGE for their 5 year old in 1977.

Some other neighborhood DEATH THREATS that are being carried out with WORLDWIDE support of Anonymous Ch!ld R@ping Jew Killers are

"No R3@x!ng for you N!ggg33r" because when I was 8 years old I kissed a black girl

"You had better accept whats going on, or it will get a lot worse for you"
"Your a snitch, your dead"
"that's the guy I want to kill" Recorded by Terrance Scroggins himself

After a Court Date on the 5th where he is a Witness taking the stand against me. He and his JEW HATE neighbors have ramped up their more DIRECT ATTACKS instead of the usual daily car, clothing, and verbal mental illness tactics which have been going on minute by minute exponentially growing for 47 years.

However since April 6th, they are back to their more direct, Vandalisms, Defacings, Throwing things all over my cars, All over my Porch.

While everything on every level is to make me, the TARGET look like a Violant Paranoid Schitzo to ERADICATE for no reason other the PROFILING a 5 year old.

The reasoning is to try to get reactions to LOCK AWAY or KILL. Remove the Target from Society no matter what it takes. But not for any Specific reason other then their HATE or INTOLERANCE for IMPERFECTION.

Such as me starting to pull my eyebrows at 12 or 13. This is something they will not Tolerate on any level.

However things got really bad for me at 8 years old once I killed a black girl my age. My family SNAPPED telling the World I'm filled with rage and a racisit while paying Devo to come play at Sunny Skies Day Camp telling the World I conform to media.

Needless to say, Me finding out at the Age of 29 that their actually is a WORLDWIDE campaign to have me KILLED with my father, Jason Perelman, Jennifer Pilchick Perelman, the Police, The Psychology Community. And a PLANET OF child Raping Murdering SICKOS helping for reasons I can't comprehend.

So the Sentence from Mike Huntley singing "World of Paranoia" is consistent of the situation going on, while he was dropping papers about South Korea and killing with Mental illness

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