My Journey with HSD, and an Unscripted Medical history

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I have a connective tissue disorder in the Hypermobility spectrum disorders category.
I wasn't diagnosed young, 41, with a lifetime of being an active kinda fit person behind me, due mostly to the heavy physical abuse unknowingly applied to a body that wouldn't be able to repair itself correctly. So over the span of 40 years the miles added up and parts kept breaking, and I kept going until one day I couldn't.
I started streaming as a new way to deal with time and the reality of having a lot of it. Not that I have much I can do, seeing as my body will override plans at the drop of a hat, or my me I guess. I was trying to go live once a day, until yesterday when I couldn't feel most of my lower extremities. Then I tripped on air and hit a doorframe so hard I thought I fractured my arm.
Anyways, here's a brief of my journey to diagnosis from kid till now. Its not easy to talk to the public about because thats not how I was raised. Then ifound out there are a lot of people on similar paths that feel all alone. So if i can help one person not feel alone, thats just fine.

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