Episode 2162: St. John Baptist de Rossi

1 month ago

St. John Baptist de Rossi was born on February 22, 1698, in Voltaggio, a small town near Genoa, Italy. He was the third of four children born to Charles de Rossi and Frances Anfossi. His family was relatively poor, but they were devout Catholics. From a young age, John exhibited a strong inclination towards piety and charity.

Recognizing his potential and desire for the priesthood, a noble family from his hometown provided financial assistance for him to study at the Jesuit-run Roman College in Rome. He excelled in his studies despite suffering from frequent bouts of ill health.

Priesthood and Ministry
John Baptist de Rossi was ordained a priest on March 8, 1721, after completing his theological studies. He was noted for his exceptional dedication to the spiritual and physical well-being of the poor, sick, and those imprisoned. His compassionate ministry extended to the marginalized sectors of Roman society.

Work with the Sick and the Poor
St. John Baptist de Rossi devoted much of his life to the care of the sick, particularly those suffering from mental illnesses. He worked tirelessly at the Hospital of St. Galla and frequently visited other hospitals throughout Rome. His ministry also included the rehabilitation of prisoners and prostitutes, for whom he sought to provide not only spiritual guidance but also practical assistance and support.

Catechesis and Confessions
In addition to his charitable works, John Baptist de Rossi was deeply committed to catechesis. He established catechetical instruction for children and adults, emphasizing the importance of understanding the faith and living a life of virtue. Known for his ability to communicate complex theological concepts in an accessible manner, he became a highly sought-after confessor and spiritual director.

Challenges and Suffering
Despite his relentless work, St. John Baptist de Rossi faced numerous challenges, including ongoing health issues. He suffered from epilepsy, which sometimes hindered his activities but never diminished his resolve. He also faced opposition and misunderstandings from some quarters, but his unwavering commitment to his mission earned him widespread respect and admiration.

Death and Canonization
St. John Baptist de Rossi passed away on May 23, 1764, in Rome. His funeral was attended by many of the city's poor, whom he had served so devotedly. He was beatified by Pope Pius IX on May 13, 1860, and canonized by Pope Leo XIII on December 8, 1881. His feast day is celebrated on May 23.

St. John Baptist de Rossi is remembered for his profound humility, deep compassion, and unwavering dedication to the less fortunate. His life serves as a model of pastoral care and social justice, inspiring countless individuals to serve others with love and selflessness.

St. John Baptist de Rossi is the patron saint of catechists and those suffering from epilepsy and mental illnesses.

His legacy continues to inspire people around the world, reminding them of the importance of compassion, humility, and dedication to the service of others.

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