13 conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures to join Idaho

28 days ago

Thirteen discontented counties in Oregon, frustrated with the state’s liberal policies, have voted in favor of exploring the possibility of seceding and joining Idaho, a more conservative state.

The movement, known as the ‘Greater Idaho Measure,’ aims to redraw the Oregon-Idaho border, incorporating 14 counties and parts of others into Idaho.

Supporters argue that this shift would offer residents lower taxes and better governance, free from what they perceive as stifling regulations and high crime rates in Oregon.

Although the recent vote in Crook County was a win for the Greater Idaho campaign, it holds no legislative authority; rather, it signals residents’ desire to engage in negotiations with state and federal representatives regarding the proposed annexation.

Advocates are urging Oregon’s leaders to heed the voice of their constituents and discuss the potential border change seriously, the Daily Mail reported.

read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13447357/THIRTEEN-conservative-counties-Oregon-approve-ballot-measures-SECESSION-vote-join-non-woke-Idaho-issue-list-demands.html

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