No Age Ontology - Becoming one’s own project

1 month ago

“We are not our own project from birth. At the best we are somebody else's project, at worst we are somebody else's mistake”.
Hermetic Aphorism

On a relative level, we need to consciously become our own project in life because if we do not take this to action, someone else will do it for us and we will never be truly free and joyful. On a more profound level, to become one’s own project really means to wake up permanently to one’s nature of Timeless Pure Being and be free from the bondage of the Law of Cause and Effect, and especially free from ‘choiceless birth’.

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►⁠⁠

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