How Prayer Can Help You More

3 months ago

To learn how to get answers to your prayers, order your FREE copy of our Booklet: "Twelve Keys To Answered Prayer" at no cost: Why is this offer free of charge? It's our commitment to heed Jesus' directive to "freely give" (Matthew 10:8).

In this enlightening video, Mr. Ames addresses a fundamental question shared by billions worldwide: "Do you get answers to your prayers?" He explores whether prayer is merely a personal dialogue or if there is a real God who listens and responds. Emphasizing the power and significance of prayer, he introduces viewers to five biblical strategies that can transform their prayer lives and lead to an abundant, spiritually fulfilling existence.

1. Seeking God's Will:
Mr. Ames explains that the first key to answered prayer is seeking God's will rather than our own. Drawing from the example of King David, who was described as a man after God's own heart, he highlights the importance of aligning our desires with God's plans. By prioritizing God's will, believers can experience peace and confidence that their prayers are heard.

2. Studying the Bible Daily:
The second strategy emphasizes the necessity of daily Bible study. The Bible is portrayed as the divine guidebook that reveals God's mind and will. By immersing ourselves in scripture, our faith grows, and we become more attuned to God's desires. Mr. Ames cites Romans 10:17, "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God," to underscore the transformative power of scripture in our prayer lives.

3. Claiming God's Promises:
Mr. Ames encourages viewers to claim the promises found in the Bible, noting that there are over 3,000 promises in scripture. He provides examples of promises that assure us of God's provision, guidance, and peace. By reminding God of His promises and asking in faith, believers can experience tangible answers to their prayers.

4. Following Christ's Instructions:
The fourth key involves adhering to the teachings of Jesus. Mr. Ames highlights the importance of praying for more laborers in the spiritual harvest and keeping God's commandments. He also touches on prophetic instructions, such as praying for protection during times of tribulation. By following Christ's guidance, believers can ensure their prayers align with divine priorities.

5. Praying for Others:
Mr. Ames stresses the importance of intercessory prayer, which is praying for the needs of others. This practice not only reflects a selfless attitude but also aligns with biblical teachings. He quotes James 5:16, "pray for one another, that you may be healed," illustrating how praying for others can lead to personal blessings and answered prayers.

Throughout the video, Mr. Ames offers practical tips and encouragement for incorporating these strategies into daily life. He advises viewers to seek wise counsel, gather facts, and pray earnestly about important decisions. He also shares personal anecdotes and biblical examples of answered prayers to inspire and motivate viewers to deepen their prayer lives.

In conclusion, Mr. Ames invites viewers to apply these five strategies for answered prayer and experience a closer relationship with God. He assures them that their Father in Heaven loves them and is eager to respond to their sincere prayers. He also encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel for more insightful content and to request the free Bible study guide, "12 Keys to Answered Prayer," for further study.

By following these biblical keys and strategies, believers can unlock the full potential of their prayer lives and witness the remarkable ways God answers prayers.

Questions that this video will answer.

1. How can I ensure that my prayers are not just words but are heard and answered by God?

2. What are the five biblical strategies for having my prayers answered?

3. Why is it important to seek God's will instead of my own when praying?

4. How can studying the Bible daily enhance the effectiveness of my prayers?

5. What role does praying for others play in the power and success of my own prayers?

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