American Jew IDF member caught to justifying murder

3 months ago

Midrash Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael (trans Shraga Silverstein) [An early third-century midrashic collection from the land of
Israel from the school of Rabbi Yishmael.] Tractate Vayehi Beshalach 2 (28) (Exodus 14:7) "And he took six hundred choice chariots": Whence came the horses required for
the chariots? If you would say, from Egypt, is it not written (re the plague of pestilence, Ibid. 9:6) "and all the cattle of Egypt died"?
And if you would say, from Pharaoh, is it not written (Ibid. 3) "Behold, the hand of the L–rd is in your cattle in the field, in the
horses, etc."? And if you say, from Israel, is it not written (Ibid. 10:26) "And our cattle, too, will go with us; not a hoof will remain"?
Whence, then, did they come? From those (of his servants) who feared the word of the L–rd (viz. 9:20) and drove his horses from
the field into the houses. We find, then, that the cattle driven off by those who feared the word of the L–rd proved to be an
impediment to Israel — whence R. Shimon says: "the best of the gentiles — kill! The best of the serpents — crush its head!"
[interestingly the apologists say the context of this is in war time but the Israelites were not at war with Egypt, they were fleeing
Egypt. Even if it is in the context of war, it is saying to commit genocide since even the civilians and innocent will help the enemy
if you don’t kill them]. The Jews are cowards who would rather bomb civilians at a safe distance than fight face to face like men and try to kill only the enemy. They don’t want to risk the lives of the all important special chosen ones. As this filthy cocksucker said, better to kill 10,000 civilians than risk injuring Satan’s chosen rats

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