Show Trial Backfire In Progress? Biden's Lead In New York Is Shrinking Fast

3 months ago

Biden is expected to win New York by a wide margin, but that margin seems to keep narrowing the more time Trump spends in the state. (…) Biden won New York by 23 points in 2020. Today- that lead has shrunk to single digits… -- Keep bragging about how much time you're making Trump spend in New York, Dems -- you're doing great. The Trump campaign obviously figured that if the Dems were going to force him to remain in New York so much he might as well take advantage of it.

BRONX RESIDENTS: "Everybody’s struggling. People are getting desperate!" - "People need to see that their leader cares about them — and Donald Trump does care about them, and that's why he's coming here." - "Donald Trump is the MAN!"

• More at: Twitchy - Show Trial Backfire in Progress? Biden's Lead in NY Is Shrinking FAST

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