The Gifts of Holy Spirit - 09/11/2022 | Equipping the Body Series |

9 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

Equipping The Body Series

The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit - (2 Corinthians 10.3-11) (Ephesians 5.18)

1. Word Of Wisdom - (1 Corinthians 12.8) (James 1.5) (Romans 16.19) (Ephesians 5.15)

2. Word Of Knowledge - (1 Corinthians 12.8) (Acts 5.1-11) (2 Timothy 4.1-2)

3. Gift Of Faith - (1 Corinthians 12.9) (Hebrews 11.1) (Hebrews 11.6)

4. Gifts Of Healing - (1 Corinthians 12.9) (James 5.13-16)

5. Working Of Miracles - (1 Corinthians 12.10) (Mark 9.38-39)

6. Gift Of Discerning Spirits - (1 Corinthians 12.10) (Malachi 3.18) (Acts 13.8-10)

7. Gift Of Prophecy - (1 Corinthians 12.10)

8. Gift Of Tongues & Interpretation Of Tongues - (1 Corinthians 12.10) (Mark 16.17) (Acts 2.4)

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