Northern Kentucky Project: Panned View of Wooded Recreational Area - Visual Results of Directional Tree Felling

28 days ago

This is just an intro-panning of an area being worked.

Although it has no commentary in this video, this video is going to be one of a series that will go over a few aspects of a private property being managed for various objectives. Among a few of those objectives are: invasive species removal (bush honeysuckle), forest recreational development, timber management, and habitat feature improvements for wildlife management. This is a basic video log of the day to day projects being worked on and the techniques I use.

I am educated in forestry and wildlife sciences and use my education and skill sets to help private landowners improve and manage their forested property to the best of my ability. That being said, I am not here to make cinema quality videos so don’t expect them to be Hollywood quality. I only hope that by sharing my experiences and knowledge I can help others brainstorm ideas, and help them tackle their own wildlife and forestry projects at home.

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