WTFR Midweek "It's Okay When The Government Does It" Round-up 21-05-2024

24 days ago

Another week, another show, & another day closer to all out global government tyranny disguised as Climate Changeâ„¢ or WW3â„¢, or simply that we'll be devalued to the extent that even if we worked 26 hours a day, 9 days a week, 427 days a year, we won't be able to earn enough money to keep the man off our backs, thus making life itself impossible to live. I mean come on, anyone actually reading this knows full well that's what the top 0.01% have got planned for us. Basically it'll be a criminal offense to be alive IF THEY get their wicked way.

In my opinion, civil disobedience is a daily duty now. We may as well disobey, because even if we obey, we're viewed as criminals now, by virtue of the fact that we breathe, have ambitions, desires & purpose.

We need to embrace the fact that we're damned if we do, & damned if we don't, & then in our minds walk out of that abusive relationship, & shun anyone who supports it or attempts to drag any one of us back into it.

We all know the line, "if you tolerate this, then your children will be next." Have you noticed what's happening to children lately?

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