Comments 87-92: Yvette Carnell IS RIGHT!! In America, The Black Community Is Imploding In Real Time

1 month ago

Comment Number 87 is on the Dr. Boyce Watkins BLACK EXCELLENCE channel. Comment Number 88 is on the BLACK POWER MEDIA channel. Comment Number 89 is on a private video channel. Comment 90 is on the I AM BROTHER POLIGHT channel. Comment Number 91 is on the Dr. Boyce Watkins BLACK EXCELLENCE channel and Comment 92 is on Antonio Moore’s BLACK EXCELLENCE, BLACK WEALTH, BLACK POWER channel. In America, Black people have no real cultural, political, social, economic or any real asset backed power base to operate from. Black people have been duped into false reality for so long, until, like Mr. T stated in Rocky 3: "I Pity The Fool." Being a street hustler and looking like a street thug is great for a gangster culture. Black women and the few good Black men that are left have serious matters to attend to other than the Fantasies that are all over Social Media.

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