The Deathworlders - Chapter 12 - Only Human

4 months ago

A combined special forces team begins mankind's first off-world colony on the planet of Cimbrean, while Jennifer Delaney (space babe, Pirate queen) briefs their commander on all that she knows.
Meanwhile, in New Jersey, Kevin Jenkins begins to learn the truth behind the murder of Terry Boone...a great and terrible truth spanning an incomprehensibly long period of time.

The main story can be read here:

If you would like to read SALVAGE, it can be found here:

The cover art is Jennifer Delaney in her bath (or as close as I could come to it with my limited free online ai)

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And as always, a HUGE shoutout to my editor Graygor. (and to Hambone for giving me permission to narrate the series.)

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