Envy, Malice, Bitterness, & the Moscow Mood. And the Jews | Doug Wilson

26 days ago

Blog & Mablog
May 22, 2024
Envy, Malice, Bitterness, & the Moscow Mood. And the Jews | Doug Wilson
So the actual bedrock of the Moscow Mood is found in the small book pictured above, How to be Free from Bitterness, written by my father—who was a prince among men. That is the practical attitudinal foundation we are seeking to build on in all our engagements. Love God. Keep short accounts. Worship together with your people. Love your neighbor. Fight for the truth. Fill your mouth with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and not with cursing and bitterness. Live not by lies. Devote yourself to one woman, and to the children God gives you through her. Raise a weekly toast at sabbath dinner to the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Keep the gravy hot.

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