HAARP: Aurora Borealis and The Weather Wars - CONSPIRACY PILLED (S4-Ep12)

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From May 10th-12th 2024 people as far south as Florida and Texas were seeing a phenomenon they never expected to see – The Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis. According to mainstream sources this hasn’t happened in at least 500 years, if ever. Was this impossibly rare event nothing more than a natural phenomena or prat of a HAARP test?
We dive into the history of HAARP, chemtrails (aka cloud seeding) and a long history of governments messing with the weather for military and agricultural purposes. Can they create earthquakes? Direct hurricanes? Worse?
Let’s find out!

Natural Disasters Are NOT All Natural - https://journaljgeesi.com/index.php/JGEESI/article/view/727
Eastlund Patent - https://patents.google.com/patent/US4686605A/en
Weather as a Force Multiplier - https://dn790004.ca.archive.org/0/items/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier.pdf

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---------- SPONSORS ----------
NORTH ARROW COFFEE - https://northarrowcoffee.co
Use code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order!
HEALTYCELL https://healthycell.com
Use code CONSPIRACY for 20% off
L&J Turkey Farms https://www.landjturkeyfarms.com/
Pasture to plate turkey that is GMO free!

Conspiracy Pilled Links – https://solo.to/conspiracypilled

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Abby – https://solo.to/abbylibby
PJ – https://solo.to/pj_unhinged

Music by : Drake Campos

#haarp #chemtrails #weather

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