First Time Electrical Wave Vagina Therapy in Pattaya

24 days ago

Thai Girls get a Vagina Rejuvenation Therapy Treatment to increase Collagen Levels of Skin and possible heal many other genital Conditions. Entertaining Educational Science Lesson Procedure Documentary and non graphic appropriate Review of Topform Dr. Max Medical Clinic in Thailand.

We visit Dr. max and his Clinic. He is a Doctor of Medicine Science of the famous Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok - We talk with his well educated, certified Nurse about the Women's Health and about new PRP Hair Loss Treatment to help people and provide valuable Information.

Dr. Max graduated from the Medicine Khon Kaen University at Suphannahong Clinic, he studied laser dermatology and get a fellowship at Miami University, then pursued a master's degree in anti-aging at Dhurakij Pundit University and the American board of anti-aging. He graduated also from world’s famous Chulalongkorn University.

How does the Hifu Vagina Medical treatment work?

You can best compare this HIFU treatment to a vaginal ultrasound. During the procedure, the vagina is treated at different depths. The heat from the HIFU passes through the mucosa of the vaginal wall. As a result, a wound healing response of the body takes place, increasing blood flow to the vagina. The vagina becomes firmer and tighter and produces new collagen and elastin.

What are the benefits of the Hifu Vagina treatment?

The vaginal HIFU brings benefits on several levels:
Counteracts incontinence (Or stress incontinence)
Common in women as they age. Incontinence is involuntary leakage of urine during activities where the pressure on the bladder is higher such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. This is because there is a lack of muscle strength in the urethra caused by a weakened pelvic floor.

Treatment relieves the symptoms and in some cases can completely eliminate the problem.

Tightens the vagina
After childbirth or with aging, the vaginal tissue can stretch. It feels like the muscle tissue is flabby, causing you to have less feeling in your fufa.

Vaginal HIFU rebuilds and strengthens collagen in the vaginal wall making the vagina tighter.

Non-surgical treatment
Vaginal HIFU is a non-invasive treatment, meaning no incisions or cuts are required.

Hydration of the puff
Especially in women who suffer from vaginal dryness and recurrent vaginal infections. Hormonal changes also occur in the body after menopause. This can cause the mucous membrane of the vagina to become thinner and drier which can lead to inflammation.

HIFU treatment repairs the vaginal wall, improves the vaginal immune system, hydration and sensitivity. Unpleasant symptoms such as itching and burning decrease.

How does the treatment proceed?
You take a seat in the gynecological chair. Before starting the treatment a Nurse will disinfect your vagina
A type of rod (the HIFU) is inserted into the vagina. Doctor first tests how sensitive the zone is and how much you can tolerate. Then we proceed to the treatment, this takes about 30 min - 45 min.

What result can I expect?
As women age or after childbirth, vaginal tissue can weaken and become less tight. This can lead to discomfort and reduced sexual function.
After treatment, you may observe a tightening that leads to improved sexual function and heal. Over time, the results of treatment may improve. This is because the tissue continues to improve and adapt. Depending on the person, the results of treatment are usually long-lasting and can last for months to years.

After treatment, you can immediately resume your daily activities because vaginal HIFU is a non-invasive treatment. You do not need to recover or stay at home.
Avoid sexual contact for 48 h after treatment.Avoid physical activity such as sports and swimming for at least 48 hours. To avoid infections, we recommend not taking baths and using tampons or vaginal products for 48h.

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