Digital Passports are Being Issued in Australia , Coming to the U.S.A. Full Nazi.

3 months ago

This is Maria Zeee a wonderful brave journalist broadcaster from Australia. I follow her her on Ruumble and highly reccomend. She is part of InfoWars who is also under a serious attack by the FBI and they are bravely fighting on.
Australia is Full Nazi now. Much of their population jabbed and sick, and now digital passports are being issued.
We The People of the United States and the world had better really get tough with courage and make our stand, go down fighting, DO NOT COMPLY With the tryanny and facsism they are dishing out as people drop dead from the jabs and they are creating more of them with mandates from the United Nations to be able to go farther than 15 minutes from your home, or get a license renewed, or have a bank account. We've backed them into a corner on some levels with the amazing people sticking their necks out fighting.. and now they are coming on strong.
HOLD YOUR GROUND! Do NOT Comply! Go Down Fighting. Call all the damn government reps and demand we pull out of the W.H.O. HR 79 Exit The W.H.O. is a Bill from Congressman Biggs from Arizona , Please make sure you demand your Senator signs it. Louisiana passed laws that the W.H.O. can not have any power over that state. The Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulation Amendments were signed by Biden , they usurp the Constitution, did not go to a vote by the Senate or Congress and certainly not by us. Americans do not have a clue about these governing documents that give the United Nations control over our lives with U.S. barely human troops to hold us hostage in our homes or rip us from them.

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