Never Again Is Now - Humanity Stands with Israel and the Jewish people - Love - Hope - Faith - Unity - 19 05 2024

4 months ago

Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

In Zachariah 14 God says that of those nations who do not go up year by year to keep the feast of tabernacles, to them nations will not receive rain.
In Australia we have people who do travel to Israel and who do keep the feast of tabernacles.
Who are the biggest group of people who keep the feast of tabernacles ?
Thats right, the Jews.
And as you can see by this video it was a rainy day, which goes to show because of the Jews who go to Israel each year to keep the feast of tabernacles God sends rain to Australia.

Think about it, which nations do not get rain ? thats right, the nations where there is no Jews and there is nobody there who is keeping the feast of tabernacles.

Which again goes to show that Gods word is true, This nation is being blessed with rain because of the Jews.
We all are riding on the backs of - and being blessed with rain because of the Jews.

Thank God for the Jews, where our Lord and Saviour came from.
The tribe of Judah. The Messiah who paid the ultimate price and gave his life and died for us on the cross and shed his blood for us, and rose from the dead 3 days later and seen by many for 40 days afterwards, and is now seated at the right hand of our Heavenly father in Glory and honour who is interceding for us on our behalf.

Thats RIGHT, A Jew is seated at the Right hand of God in Heaven with Glory.

Thank God for the Jews for we are all truly blessed because of them.

God will bless those who bless them and he will curse those who will curse them, and in them the whole world will be blessed. ( unless you curse and reject them - God bless Israel and the Jewish people ).

This day there was so many people supporting the Jews and Israel.
There was so many crammed into Spring Street - Bourke Street intersection that you could not walk through because it was so packed with people.
Jews and non Jews together.
People from diverse etheric backgrounds all came together to unite in their support for Israel and the Jewish people.

The evil terrorist that were about 100 meters away north of the Spring Street / Bourke Street intersection - on Spring Street was about possibly less than 1/4 the amount of people who were standing with Israel and the Jewish people.

Some total and complete nut jobs terrorist who supported people being killed and raped by terrorist went to Bourke Street on the western side of Bourke Street - Spring Street intersection to show the world and the people who stand up for love and peace and freedom - to show them all just how evil and demonic and satanic and heartless and soulless and ruthless and senseless they are, they openly supported over 1,200 people being murdered in cold blood and support women being raped by terrorist. Yet these evil people who supporting the terror acts of hamas are still allowed to walk the streets to promote hate - rape - murder - genocide and destruction.

Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

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