Lunchtime Chats ep 173: Menopause, Grid Work & Expanding Consciousness

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In this week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​, Christina explores the sacred power of women in their croning years, the profound impact of collective grid work, and navigating moments that make you question reality. Learn about the transformative potential of menopause, hear fascinating stories of grid work in Croatia and Bosnia, and discover how facing challenging ideas can liberate your consciousness. Don't miss this thought-provoking discussion for starseeds, way showers, and visionaries seeking to expand their perspective.

Show notes:
4:14 Reference to a question asking about a concept; what is true what is not; reference to infinite; reference to a video by Max Egen called Our True History Has Been Stolen
8:30 continuing the answer to the question why women are more inclined to spirituality than men; reference to menopause and sacredness; feminine force more than the ability to have children; Christina’s experience with older women and authenticity & personal power; womens’ journey towards self-discovery; reference to hormonal connection to life force & reclaiming inner power- endocrine glands being stargates; repurposing hormones to passion & purpose; reference to dreamtime; women step into the most powerful time in their lives in their later years when they have the bandwidth to focus; women in their menopausal journey; the mixed signals women get from society
26:18 relationship to each other and the masculine, changes as we age
30:18 realization about consciousness grids; what it is; reference to consciousness grids in Middle East; incepted consciousness grids and how; what is gridwork; dismantling inception hubs; impacting the grids; Christina’s account of gridwork in-person; places of vortexes; the importance of walking on purpose, life purpose
47:28 questioning everything you thought about life and reality; life isn’t what we think it is; navigating 4D consciousness grid; navigating polarities
49:37 About Lightbody wellness assessment sessions - Rife technology and blood analysis

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