Biden's 'Enthusiasm Gap': People Lining Up To See Trump

27 days ago

Pics and Videos of Biden's Campaign Stops are the Very Definition of 'Enthusiasm Gap' — For a president they say received more than 81 million votes in 2020 -- a record for any U.S. presidential candidate -- I can't help but notice that the level of public enthusiasm at and near Joe Biden's limited campaign events rivals that of a dentist's office waiting room. The White House would never admit it of course but between the polls and the reception Biden's getting on the road (or lack thereof) has to be setting off alarms: “Enthusiasm among Democratic voters in Wisconsin hit its lowest point ever in Marquette’s polling in a survey last fall. Then it declined even more in late January. In that last poll, enthusiasm was lower among Democrat voters (39% were “very enthusiastic”) than it was among independent voters (46%), which had never happened before in this survey.”

That lack of enthusiasm isn't just apparent in polling but at Biden's appearances (which are increasingly rare). Recently Biden was in Atlanta and, well, nobody seemed to know that or care very much: Biden passing through Atlanta with the motorcade. -- Tens of people line the streets to see Biden’s motorcade pass through Atlanta -- Biden then went to another Dem stronghold, Detroit, and thousands were on hand. Wait, those people were at a Tigers game nearby. Here's the crowd that gathered outside to see Biden: President Biden departs Cred Cafe in Detroit and waves to bystanders outside ahead of his appearance at an NAACP dinner Sunday. -- I didn't see any "bystanders" in that video.

Yesterday, Biden was in New Hampshire, and you can really feel the Biden-mentum here: And the crowd goes wild! -- There were more people inside but the mood seemed like more of a wake: The scene from Nashua, NH awaiting Joe Biden's arrival. -- “Feel the excitement” 🤣 How many of them only showed up for the free snack? There's more excitement in your average small-town bingo parlor than at a Biden event. Such a feeling of excitement!! Seeing Joe is everyone's dream. The atmosphere is electric. How many government employees do you estimate are in the "crowd?" People lining up to see Biden

No wonder Team Biden is trying to keep Trump busy in court and off the campaign trail. Hopefully all the people who have had it with the Let's Go Brandon presidency turn out in November.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: The dilemma for Biden and Democrats in Wisconsin: a historically high enthusiasm gap
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Joe Biden, Donald Trump deadlocked in new Marquette Poll of Wisconsin voters

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