GENERAL ELECTION CALLED: Sunak gets soaked & Starmer's just as wet!

23 days ago

Right, so parliament is getting dissolved on the 30th May before the Tories manage to dissolve any more of this country and finally the chance to get this most corrupt government of my living memory certainly out of power and pray God we make sure that this time it is for good. But with Keir Starmer waiting in the wings, putting an offer to the country barely any different to the Tories we’re hoping we’re ridding ourselves of, will it truly be the case we’ve got the Tories out if we just let Starmer in, or is it nowhere near the sealed deal the 20+ point poll leads Labour currently enjoy think it is and can we actually achieve the only meaningful result that could bring about the changes we need – a hung parliament?
Right, so if Rishi Sunak wanted to come out with a fitting slogan on the steps of 10 Downing Street tonight, he could coin the phrase and walk in the footsteps of his Red Tory predecessor Tony Blair and go with ‘things can only get wetter’ as the heavens opened and drenched him, whilst music from outside attempted to drown him out. The rat comparisons will no doubt come out on social media, Sunak very much looking like a drowned one by the time he finished droning on, when all we really wanted to hear from him was confirmation of what the media were spouting beforehand, that US Independence Day is the date, 4th of July, here’s hoping it will prove to be a permanent independence day for the UK, from ever electing another Conservative government ever again.
There’s a multi million pound media room in there now thanks to Boris Johnson isn’t there? It’s not like he had to get soaked, but heck, who didn’t enjoy it just a little bit!
His speech of course was peppered with hilarious hypocrisy, and frankly there’s very little he could say to convince anyone to like the man, let alone give him their vote now. He’s done, he knows it, he’s apparently called this election early, seemingly determined to run away from it for as long as possible, because he isn’t enjoying the job and perhaps he’d get more job satisfaction if he wasn’t constantly finding some one here or a group of people there to blame for all the ills in the country?
He made numerous claims, all of which were nonsense, I’ve picked out a few.
Claiming he was responsible for restoring economic stability was a good one, when we’ve literally just climbed out of recession and economic growth has been choked off completely for years, barely registering anything, because incomes have been slammed, benefits cut, people’s spending power has plummeted, so they haven’t spent, they have made their money work, the rich have been on the make for years, they just offshore their money, it doesn’t work either therefore, it’s all completely backwards. He calls it economic stability, he’s impoverished the nation, but having just made a sweet extra £121m himself, being one of the elite, the impossibly rich, he hasn’t the faintest notion of what it is like to struggle and is, as someone from the ordinary working class, the biggest reason not to back him – he simply doesn’t know what it is like mto walk a day on your shoes.
Our energy bills sky high, he blamed that squarely on Putin, instead of acknowledging that he basically subsidised the companies scalping us when bills were too high for most of us to afford, instead of taking them back under national control and ending the absurdity of those shareholder dividends, because god forbid they don’t get their cut even as many chose between heating and eating. But Russia doesn’t excuse his inaction.
He attacked China, for being what? Too competitive. It was your party, taking turns with Red Tories that decimated manufacturing in this country. It’s never been restored, stop being so wet. Oh whoops you couldn’t it was chucking it down wasn’t it?
Inflation is down, yep, great, that simply means the rate of prices going up has slowed, not that they aren’t still going up. You had zip, zero, nada to do with that, yet you’re still claiming credit for it. It also isn’t down as much as the Bank of England forecast, so is that your doing too?
Migration continues to be weaponised as does immigration, he’s stopping the boats when he isn’t, he’s getting people off the ground and to Rwanda, when he’s literally having to pay them to get them to go.
He attacks Putin again over global stability, he was careful to only mention middle east tensions rather than pick sides today, so perhaps the arrest warrants issued against Hamas and Israel leaders has given him pause for thought on his own complicity in that.
He’s talked of record NHS funding, when it’s the wrong argument to make – there might be more money going in, but with so much outsourcing after 14 years of the Tories, privatisation by another name, so much of that money too is ending up in shareholders pockets, it’s just that the shareholders get away with sporting the NHS logo. It’s a con, the money isn’t going into the service, it is making rich people richer again, same s**t different day.
He claims we’ve harnessed the opportunities of Brexit, just months after more import and export red tape came in, driving prices up again.
He said he has prioritised energy over the environment and net zero and said it like it was a good thing, when all it really did was spell out that he and his party are just a danger to the planet.
He hailed welfare reform, which given how lethal it has proven for far too many in this country, should land him and many in his government behind bars, not elected to power.
He is the man of bold action, he’s the man with the plan, despite having no discernible plan to benefit this country, just enrich others like himself and too often that has been himself when the name Infosys comes up time and again in relation to government contracts, the family firm of his wife of course.
But flip all of that and you come to Keir Starmer, who has launched his campaign by repeating all of the same, tired, dull, boring soundbites we’re sick and tire of hearing from him. He’s the change candidate, vote for change by voting Labour he said in his snorefest of a speech.
I was Director of Public Prosecutions he said, I ran the Crown Prosecution Service he said, as if we haven’t heard it a thousand times already. That isn’t a change, that’s more of the same and according to those who worked under you there, you were unpopular and your reforms there were pointless.
He repeddled his six fixes, which I covered in a video the other day, I won’t go over them again here, but they are all a complete scam and a con. He claims he wants to serve, that his were a party of service, yet never has there been any sign that Starmer is anything other than an authoritarian liar. He binned everything he stood for, he’s had more relaunches than Cher has had facelifts, and still people can’t stand him. There’s a reason for that, you can’t trust him and nobody thinks much of the torylitism that is all he’s selling now.
The one honest thing Sunak said in his speech was that Starmer will do or say anything to get into power, he lusts for it and will do or say, ditch or scrap whatever he thinks he has to, to get elected. Service? The only person he is in service to is himself and ensuring that nothing actually for this country if Labour get elected.
Therefore the goal here, the best hope to come out of this General Election, is a hung parliament as we saw in 2010. Labour will be the largest party, of that there is little doubt, but they can be denied a majority and the frighteners have been put on them as local elections bore themselves out. L:abour’s headline poll leads are nonsense, they aren’t reflective of the whole country, there are areas where Labour should be scoring big wins and instead have lost by-elections, have lost councillors and are not gaining those Tory votes Starmer has been chasing, the only consistent thing about him in 4 years, his pursuit of Tory votes. He’s lost Labour ones along the way, in fact he’s spurned them, suspended them and expelled them in too many cases. Little wonder therefore, that according to LabourList, Labour still don’t have candidates for more than 100 seats. Better get some parachutes strapped to some Starmerroids fast. Heck, Paul Mason might be in with a chance still at this rate!
Independent candidates rallying for change are springing up all over the country, but time is very much now against them. The Green Party has surged again in local elections and they are chasing more MPs. Labour lost a safe seat to George Galloway and his Workers Party of Great Britain who are also targeting other seats and yet all the mainstream media can talk about, is the threat to the Tories posed by Reform UK, who’s only MP is a defector set to very much lose his seat. We’ll bid farewell to the Leeanderthal, Lee Anderson and of course they won just 2 council seats nationwide in the local elections. A non-entity party, of people for whom Sunak is too much of a leftie and deserve a wide berth and not national mainstream recognition.
This is a General Election where real change is going to be hard to achieve, but it’ll come from embracing alternatives and avoiding mainstream parties, of all colours, because whether that rosette is blue, red, or yellow, it’s still a bloody Tory. Will the country choose differently, or will we have another 5 years of the same, be it Sunak or Starmer in charge?
Well it might not even be Starmer if the campaign begun yesterday by Andrew Feinstein takes off, the former South African ANC MP turned arms sales campaigner, who has lived in Starmer’s patch for the last 23 years, and is now ready to re-enter politics in a bid to stop Starmer from reaching power, even if Labour does, find out all about that story in this video recommendation here, though no more donations lease, because of the election being called, spending restrictions now apply and well, Feinstein hit target in a day, say’s it all about Starmer doesn’t it! And I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks

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