Hilarious Boy in Hamburger Costume Falls and Can’t Get Up Again

6 years ago

Not taking Christmas into account, we can all agree that Halloween is the best time of the year! Especially for the kids! This amazing celebration lets everyone dress up pretending to be whatever they want for a day. Not many things are more exciting than that! The little boy from this video is ready to go trick or treating and his costume of choice for this year’s Halloween is a hamburger. LOL! Yes, you read it right! And he’s so happy with his hamburger costume that he can’t help but run around the house in circles! He’s literally bouncing off the walls! All of a sudden, this hilarious hamburger boy slips and falls down on the floor. Oh, no! And because of the hamburger costume, he can’t get up again. Oh, you poor thing! Don’t you worry, mom comes to your rescue! How funny is this little boy's struggle? Absolutely hilarious!

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