Top 10 Best Rick and Morty Side Characters

27 days ago

Here's a detailed look at the top 10 best side characters from the animated series "Rick and Morty," known for their unique personalities and memorable contributions to the show's universe.

### 1. **Mr. Meeseeks**
Mr. Meeseeks is a blue creature summoned to complete a specific task, after which it ceases to exist. This character highlights the dark humor of the show, as the Meeseeks become increasingly desperate and unhinged when they cannot fulfill their purpose quickly.

### 2. **Birdperson**
Birdperson is a close friend of Rick's and a former freedom fighter. His calm demeanor and deep, philosophical insights provide a stark contrast to Rick's cynicism. Birdperson's loyalty to Rick is a significant aspect of their friendship, and his transformation into Phoenixperson adds a layer of tragedy to his character.

### 3. **Squanchy**
Squanchy is an anthropomorphic cat-like alien who shares a love of partying with Rick. Known for his catchphrase "squanch," he can transform into a giant, hulk-like version of himself when needed, showcasing both comic relief and moments of heroism.

### 4. **Tammy Guetermann**
Tammy starts as a seemingly innocent high school student and Summer's friend but is later revealed to be an undercover agent for the Galactic Federation. Her betrayal and subsequent marriage to Birdperson set off a series of significant events, making her a pivotal antagonist.

### 5. **Unity**
Unity is a hive mind entity that once had a romantic relationship with Rick. This character explores themes of identity and control, as Unity struggles with the balance between its feelings for Rick and its nature. Unity's episodes are among the most thought-provoking in the series.

### 6. **Abradolf Lincler**
A genetic experiment combining the DNA of Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln, Abradolf Lincler is created by Rick. His character is a parody of moral extremes and struggles with his dual nature, leading to humorous and existential moments.

### 7. **Noob-Noob**
Noob-Noob is a minor character but a fan favorite due to his dedication and the hilarious disdain he receives from the Vindicators, a superhero team. His genuine admiration for Rick and his role as the team's janitor add a comedic touch.

### 8. **Mr. Poopybutthole**
Initially introduced in an episode questioning his reality, Mr. Poopybutthole becomes a beloved character due to his optimistic nature and resilience. His appearances often break the fourth wall, engaging directly with the audience and providing meta-commentary on the series.

### 9. **Krombopulos Michael**
An alien assassin who cheerfully loves his job, Krombopulos Michael's upbeat attitude towards killing contrasts with the dark nature of his profession. His catchphrase, "I just love killing," and his memorable demise make him a standout side character.

### 10. **Evil Morty**
Evil Morty is a darker, more strategic version of Morty who orchestrates complex schemes to gain power. His intelligence and ruthlessness make him a compelling antagonist, and his storyline adds depth and intrigue to the show's overarching plot.

These characters enrich the "Rick and Morty" universe with their distinct personalities and significant roles in various storylines, contributing to the show's success and fan engagement.

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