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6G, Willful Ignorance (Sabrina Wallace & Juxtaposition1)

9 months ago


NASA Power Point Presentation (July 2001):
Global Problems/"Solutions"

• (Serious) Problems

- Energy (2)

- Water (2)

- Food (2)

- Land (2)

- Population Growth ( 1 )

- Wealth Generation ( 1 )

- "Pollution/Warming" (2)

"Killer Ap Solutions"

- (1) Motivational/inexpensive Web-based Asynchronous "Distance Learning"

- (2) Bio mass/food via seawater irrigation in current "wastelands"


Eric Ross Weinstein (October 26, 1965) is an American podcast host. He was a managing director for Thiel Capital (an American hedge fund) from 2013 until 2022. Weinstein has a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University.


Bret Samuel Weinstein (February 21, 1969) is an American podcaster, author, and former professor of evolutionary biology. He served on the faculty of Evergreen State College from 2002 until 2017, when he resigned in the aftermath of a series of campus protests about racial equity at Evergreen, which brought Weinstein to national attention. Like his brother Eric Weinstein, he is considered part of the intellectual dark web. Weinstein has been criticized for making false statements about COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, and for spreading misinformation about HIV/AIDS.

Sabrina Wallace's Psinergy Channel:


  • 0/2000
  • It is called Net Centric Warfare. MESH Network, drones, helicopters, airplanes and DEWs. SRM (Solar Radiation Management) SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection) aka: chem trails, META MATERIALS, Smart Dust

  • They really are trying to kill us all it seems. It's sickening most people don't even know or care. Thank God for a few good people like Juxtaposition1 and Sabrina at PSIENERGY.

  • You spiffy up nice, Mr. Jux!👔 Great conversation...thanks for the info, no potato in the tailpipes coming from y'all! 💯😂

  • Wilful ignorance: Most folks prefer a comfortable lie rather than an uncomfortable truth.

  • Dang, just made a "Beverage" and boom new video, now I get to watch while I drinking my beverage.

  • I thought get an adult beverage meant tie one on, not actually put on a tie!

  • Thank you both, only thing i'd disagree about is 'through no fault of our own'. We need to take responsibility for our lack of action and even lack of care ... of course i'm speaking of the aggregate. This could never have unfolded as it has if we instilled morals and principals in our children, sadly most people (not just children) don't even know the difference between a right and wrong ... We are focusing on our biofield control and our ongoing relationship with the creator ...

  • Bravo Juxt, and yes, I have bin madder than hell for years, since 1998, but I will not give up till they drag me or kill me at my front door with a DEW from a drone. I feel like Neo in the Matrix since 2020, how true that movie was in someways. Anyway, I do my best to reach into the minds of zombies, I do see some changes on my street, slowly the American flags have come down from the fronts of homes, not sure if this is just a glitch or some are starting to think?

  • Use mostly 737s at 33k ft here.

  • Looking smart sir 👌

  • I discovered about a year ago that I didn't seem to be able to feel my own skin. When I mentioned this to other people they just laughed at me. Wow. Sabrina just connected that data point.

  • It is called Net Centric Warfare. MESH Network, drones, airplanes and DEWs.

  • Juxt, id love to talk to you sometime about some things maybe sometime. Anyways I've had some strange connection with Hollywood it seems from the late 1990's- early 2000's. I'm mostly from north Central Wyoming where Hollywood has had some connections with off and on for decades. At 37:21 Sabrina mentioned GIG, global information grid. One of the strange movies they filmed here was the 1982 horror movie ENDANGERED SPECIES'S starring Robert Urich. Anyways, check out the poster for that movie with the grid pattern laid out across the small town and mountains where I'm from and combine that with the content of that movie. There's much more but yeah it's strange. Crazy shite.

  • I have had a guiding spirit that has spoken to me since the early 80's. Dreams that have eventually come to be reality since 1963 or 1964 - hard to pin down. Clairvoyent events. I take no credit for the reality that I have realized - it has lived in me and speaks to me in very simple language - almost childlike with elementary phrasing and word useage. There are times that I wished I never had this visitor living with me as it distanced me from the world that most seem to live in. All that it had revealed in it's simplicity, has come true. I retired early as IT made it possible to create events that led me to where I now live. It put things into place for me to take advantage of - and I did. I never thought of them on my own and there are times that I think of this "association" as a blessed curse. This presentation that you have put here had me in awe. Nothing shocked me. It may be hard to live in the world that has been slammed into us but for the group of people that see our reality, it makes it somewhat easier to traverse - even though there are great distances between us. I thank you for the share.

  • Interesting how some commenters are not being posted

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