Andre Hodge - Our Intuitive Potential 1 - Dean Radin and Noetic Spectrum

9 months ago

🌏♾🙏 Our Intuitive Potential 1 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 Dean Radin and Noetic Spectrum 🙏♾🌏

Who's Up For Appreciating and Engaging Our Intuitive Potential?

Hello you Epic being. Thank you for allowing me as always to be a part of your journey. No matter what level it is. Even finding me is a privilege.

Today i felt inspired from returning to my roots if you will. With much wiser and appreciative eyes. After many many years to some of the original teachings that really got me going. That i have been brewing to offer in some way but hadn't worked out until now. I know you will get just as much from as i did many years ago. Which today i offer in an entirely new theme called 'Our Intuitive Potential'. You would not be here unless you sensed there is some way to expand our awareness and intuitive abilities. How do we get started on that path though? This series i aim to help many of you get some solid foundational appreciations to get your avalanche of potential rolling.

I was aiming to review many things for one of my decent releases in the not to distant future. Feeling fired up and energised once more I decided to break up what i was going to do. My aim with this series is to offer something a bit simpler. If relevant the perspectives, concepts and teachings. Including certain teachers overlapping where appropriate. To be an ally for those of your really already going but looking for some structure. Or outside the box sort of thinking right now. I feel there is an enormous gap in this space that can only be an beneficial for us all now. Much of my stuff on offer may be pretty complex to many. So, this i also aiming to be contextual from where i come from as well. That ultimately i hope will be an enormous ally in your overall expansion.

Today i intend to offer a section from a lecture by the wonderful Dean Radin. That never gets old. For some around me however it may be the first time you ever have heard his eloquent teachings relative to what he describe as the Noetic Spectrum. Which is a scale relative to intuitive abilities and experiences. Well worth knowing about.

I gain this section from the full lecture on my site here:

I also recommend many of the recent releases and other offerings here:
🌏♾🙏 Andre Hodge - The Courage To Explore The Unknown 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 And Potential That Awaits Us There 🙏♾🌏

♾🙏 The Moon - Its Influence Over Earth Mother and Us 🙏♾

🌏♾🙏 Andre Hodge - Amplify The Echos Of Our Ancient Truth 12 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 Battle for Stargates and Humanity's Freewill 🙏♾🌏

🌏 Andre Hodge - Recalibration To A New Energetic Reality 6 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 Earth Line In The Universal Sand Time 1 🙏♾🌏

Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth Playlist:

My Infinite Potential Soul Contract Revocation v2 for your Psychic Defense:

The Ashayana Deane audios i uploaded to my website:

Thank you for your courage to be here as always. Allowing me to be a part of your journey. Thank you also for being even willing to contemplate what has been offered. I hope this clears the way for you to achieve your Infinite Potential going forth as well. :)

♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big :) 🙏♾

How to Access Andre Hodge for Healing Sessions:

Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth Playlist:

Infinite Potential Healing Playlist:

Multidimensional Method to the 3D Madness Playlist:

Incarnation War Playlist:

Emotional Mastery Playlist:

All YouTube Videos:

Bitchute Channel Videos:

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