DETOX of whole organism - RIFE frequencies treatment - My Balance

9 months ago

Organism detoxification, or clearing of the body is a core preventive and treatment method. The purpose of organism detoxification is to clean dead cells, tissues and toxins from the body, which collect within the organism.
By regularly cleaning of the body you will feel increased energy levels, better digestion, clearer skin, reduced cravings, mental clarity, weight loss, fresh breath, decreased detox symptoms and other.
Make sure you drink plenty of quality water and fresh juices.

Use these Rife frequencies to help you with detoxing of your body.
Use stereo headphones or speakers on louder volume ( as much as you can handle), relax and listen to the end of the session.
* It is recommended to play the frequencies twice a day for as long as you have the symptoms
* It is better if you don't mix different RIFE frequencies on the same day. Complete your current session with Rife and then move on to the next one.

This video has 8 different frequencies: 0,7 Hz, 0,9Hz, 2,5Hz, 2,65Hz, 3,3Hz, 9,8Hz, 56Hz, 69Hz.

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