Community Matters Panel Discussion of Bucks County Republican Comm. Bylaws & Lawsuit

7 months ago

A must see video for ALL Bucks County Republican Committee members and voters. Learn what is REALLy happening in your committee and your county from the people who have exposed the institutionalized corruption (via The Bylaws) and the basis for the lawsuit filed by 50 members of the committee. Alex Entin and Laurie Katz interview Andy Teitelman and Andy Meehan in a deep dive expose. Pat Poprik, the chair person in charge of the committee, tells everyone that RightForBucks and the lawsuit plaintiffs are "trying to destroy the party". The panelists, Andy Teitelman, the attorney for the plaintiffs and Andy Meehan (The BoogieMan), leader of the RightForBucks Organization provide the facts about The Scam that is being run on Republican voters for the last 52 years. Watch and learn, and more importantly...SEE FOR YOURSELVES how corruption in the committee is being exposed. After seeing this video, please attend future meetings to ask questions and determine for yourself who is telling the TRUTH, and what is REALLY going on in Bucks County! VOTE FOR NEW LEADERSHIP AND NEW BYLAWS TO UNITE THE PARTY AND END THE CORRUPTION!

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