Governments Worldwide “Tried to Poison its Citizens” with the Covid 19 Vaccine

9 months ago

No spike Protein has ever been able to enter the nucleus of a cell until the Covid Vaccine.

Joe Rogan and Actor Terrance Howard on Governments Worldwide “Tried to Poison its Citizens” with the Covid 19 Vaccines

“I lost 3-4 jobs because I refused to take it. I refused to take it…”

• Cancers have increased 300+%
• All cause mortality is up 40%
• Pulmonary embolism’s up 500%

Hmmm.. I wonder what caused that?

• the BRAC1 gene which is a gene inside our DNA, tells us there’s damage happening in the body, and triggers a reaction to defend itself was completely turned off.

• the spike proteins are just being collected in the body. They collect in the ovaries, the lymph nodes, and bone marrow

“So now we have all the diseases showing themselves because the body is overwhelmed trying to deal with the spike proteins

“The more boosters you get, you’re turning your system OFF. Your body cannot defend itself.”

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