A Detective with a Bizarre Secret! Red 'N Red Reel Reviews Sugar

1 month ago

Colin Farrell plays a most unusual, yet steadfast and determined, Private Investigator employed by a Hollywood monarch to find their missing princess. But... what lies beneath this detective's likable and personable character? Find out in this modernized film noire on Apple TV.

Check out Season 1 of Sugar on Apple TV here: https://tv.apple.com/us/show/sugar/umc.cmc.4r6q7tdquewehwvb3rzl0k3dt?mttn3pid=Google%20AdWords&mttnagencyid=a5e&mttncc=US&mttnsiteid=143238&mttnsubad=OUS20191123_1-697561110206-c&mttnsubkw=151416546635__x5kbprm5_&mttnsubplmnt=_adext_

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