International Public Notice: Crashing the Federal Reserve -- and Blaming It on Us By Anna Von Reitz

24 days ago

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Article 4839 Video - International Public Notice: Crashing the Federal Reserve -- and Blaming It on Us - Tuesday, May 21, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz
International Public Notice: Crashing the Federal Reserve -- and Blaming It on Us By Anna Von Reitz

It has been the plan of the bankers-military schemers to crash the Federal Reserve and blame it on us for fifty years.

It is their habit to crash their own banks.

Listen and repeat: it is their habit to crash their own banks.

As anti-intuitive as this is, this is how they cheat you and yours.

They crash their own banks, set up new banks, and skate right on with the same old criminals in control.

That is what the QFS system is. THEIR replacement for the Federal Reserve System.

They are advertising for people to hurry up and establish their accounts in the QFS System so that you will be locked down and dependent on them and their "digital" imaginary money.

And things will only get worse if we don't all see through this and expose them and their "QFS" for what it is.

The fact is that we, the living people, own every Federal Reserve Note either printed as a paper bill or entered into a ledger as "Money of Account" and we have paid for those Federal Reserve Notes many, many, many times over, so that the actual debt that these Miscreants owe us is even greater than the bank balance sheets show.

Britain is behind this. The Government of Westminster is behind this (Inner City of London). To some extent, the Vatican System is behind this.

They are deliberately crashing the Federal Reserve because the lies and illegal processes underlying it became too obvious and too much of a liability.

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