Nano-Thermite Responsible for WTC Collapse – The 911 PSYOP

9 months ago

One of the Greatest Crimes by the US Government, prior to COVID-19 was the “terrorist” attacks on the World Trade Center – Twin Towers.

Was the "terrorist" our very own government?

It was a PSYOP.

You could tell Bush was in on it when he was in that Florida school room pretending to read a book and the book was upside down. Granted, the guy probably couldn’t read it the right way, but his mind was definitely not with those children in that classroom.

It was a heist, a coverup, an insurance fraud, murder and an opportunity to introduce an Act that was sitting on the shelf called the Patriot Act which was a big step to further remove freedom and liberties from American Citizens.

Where those even Air Planes? Very unlikely because airplanes would not be able to penetrate the steel and iron and go clear through the entire building. NO Way.

It was likely rockets with Audio and what you visualized was a hologram. Easy Peasy technology that few knew existed.

Kerosene or Jet Fuel could not produce enough heat to melt the steel. Even at its estimated highest temperature it would still be 1,000 degrees F shy of even softening the steel enough that one level would bend.

There was evidence of workers with white vans in there months prior at night.

They were likely CIA programmed individuals carefully placing the Nano-Thermite or also called Super Thermite explosives.

All the building fell flawless straight down which ONLY could occur with very precise controlled explosives.

Building 7 didn’t even have anything hit it, no jet fuel to cause the heat, just a little debris on the top that they said made it catch fire and made it also collapse all at ONCE.


Molten Metal was filmed falling from the Tower like a Waterfall.

There were reports of multiple explosions during all 3 collapses.

It wasn’t the intense fire like the lying media said.

Once again – IMPOSSIBLE!!

Where does Nano-Thermite or Super Thermite come from?

Our Military makes it.

Once again – We Have Been Lied To!!!



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END. 5/30/2024 – 6:00 PM

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