Western vs Eastern Conservatism. War in Ukraine, Analytics. Arestovich, Romanenko.

9 months ago

On air with Yuri Romanenko, we debunked the myths of "Russian World", which is trying to change the balance of power in the West in its favor: https://youtube.com/live/YatC247GRfk

00:00 Interview of Russian “philosopher” Dugin with American journalist Carlson about understanding conservatism, human nature and Russia’s role in all this.
03:20 Definition of conservatism in the West and in Russia. Main Differences.
04:54 Conservatism in Russia, territorial encroachments and "liberation from Western captivity". Dugin's and Shchelin's philosophy: no "special path" or original ideas.
08:05 The oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible laid the foundation for the crisis of the Muscovite kingdom.
09:21 Russia was successful then when it acted like Europe. Orthodoxy is a European idea.
11:23 What does the addition of Ukraine and Belarus mean for Russia.
12:23 Where is the original, non-European culture of Russia?
13:54 Another iteration of struggle within Russia between Asian and European cultures.
14:44 On what soil is Russian Federation going to grow original ideas? The only arguably original idea of Russia is state madness.
17:54 “By their deeds you will know them”: the body of ideas of Shchelin and Dugin is justified with cruel actions from Bible. Shchelin is a good example of the Russian tragedy of an intellectual.
21:30 Mystical gnosticism of Russians.
22:45 Western conservatism versus Russian “conservatism.” Social survey: what Russians celebrate on Easter. Civilization with a twist. Announcement of a conversation about Russian conservatism between Arestovich and Peterson.
30:50 Russia was created so that everyone can see what NOT to do.
33:10 Basic contradiction of the Russian people.
35:40 Enslavement of man: who is truly free in Russia? The state as a perfect idea: the State trumps the Individual.
38:40 Bloodthirstiness of Russian intellectualism.
40:45 Russian culture has mutated from the chthonic swamp civilization based on death cults.
46:48 The aimlessness and “originality” of the Russian state.
52:23 Russian Orthodox Church disease of the brain.
54:45 Statistics of Orthodox Russia.
55:35 Ukraine is the place where the Russian idea breaks down. That's why Russia wants to destroy Ukraine.
58:50 The depth of trauma of the Russian soul.
01:01:11 Fundraising for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

English translation #PrivateerStation.

Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Former Advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/arestovych Social Media: https://lnk.bio/alexey.arestovich

Yuriy Romanenko, Ukraine Politologist. https://www.youtube.com/ yuriyromanenko_ukraine

💳 Fundraiser is under Alexeys Original Stream in Russian: https://youtu.be/YatC247GRfk

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